View Full Version : Hi all new here.

10-31-2006, 03:49 PM
Well here I am finally finding out today that I have anxiety. I have for years had days that out of the blue I would start thinking about dying and would just start crying. I now realize that all those days of dizziness, sweating, short of breath, feeling of dread is anxiety. The last month has been really bad, I am going through a bad time due to chronic back pain which has effected my whole life. Just typing this is making me cry like a baby. I am so tired of pain and stress. I ended up in the hospital today because I thought I was having a heart attack. I had the foreman call my wife to come and get me, She is and RN and if I was having a heart attack I wanted to see her just in case. When she arrived at my work I was drenched in sweat, dizzy, short of breath, shaking, and fekt like death was right around the corner. My wife is very calm and has always helped me when I would become worried about things, but i could tell by her face she was worried this time. We go to the hospital and after all the tests they say my heart is fine and that I am having a bad anxiety attack. My wife has told me for a couple years now that I have anxiety but it has finally gotten really bad. I never see the good anymore, I am always worried about everything and nothing. I am sinking deeper into depression and scared about where I am headed. Tomorrow I start a spine clinic at the U of M which also will include a shrink, so I hope this will help. Thanks for listening

12-01-2006, 05:08 PM
Are you still on these boards? I see no one has posted a reply and I just joined myself....

Welcome and I hope you are able to connect with others and gain insight to your concerns/questions/anxieties.


12-02-2006, 06:53 PM
welcome to the boards! though it seems a little bit too late. hope you can still be active. :) if you need someone to talk to my msn is [email protected]
