View Full Version : progress....

06-03-2011, 03:56 PM
i think im finally getting somwhere with my anxiety! it's like i feel it coming on, and just as fast as it comes, it's gone. thing is, it's kind of a strange feeling. i guess it's been so long since i felt calm, that the feeling seems new to me. Also i notice that i keep remembering things from my past and i dont understand why. i guess my brain is getting to the bottom of why this all started. for example, i was sitting here thinking about this guy i seen at the gas station today buying "spice". and all of a sudden i remembered in high school the very first time i smoked pot. at the time i thought it was a bad trip. but looking back on it now, i actually had a panic attack. and i never thought of it until today. i just keep remembering things that caused me anxiety when i was younger and never knew what it was. it's like im uncovering the fact that i have always had anxiety and just never knew it. it's kinda unsetteling for some reason. has anyone else done this? is this just part of the road to recovery?

Itz Omi
06-03-2011, 04:52 PM
Congrats in starting to overcome your anxiety! No need to question it - just enjoy it! :)

06-03-2011, 05:57 PM
i think it's just my anxiety looking for something to worry about. thank you! i still have alot of work ahead of me, but iv come a long way :)

06-03-2011, 06:53 PM
Well done, really happy for you! :)

06-03-2011, 07:55 PM
aw thank you very much :) all the time iv been trying to get through this i kept thinking of this quote my friend told me. "life is not about getting through the storm. it's about going out and dancing in the rain". no matter what life throws at you, it will pass in time, but in that time you can't just sit around waiting for it to go away, you have to keep living your life to the fullest. i wish you both luck

jon mike
06-04-2011, 12:39 AM
Hey, really pleased for ya, I no exactly what you mean about looking back, all the situations you've been in, all the hell, eveything for me really, I look back and think I can't believe all that happened because of this, so weird isnt it, but good because it's like you've been given loads of good news over and over about the past which reassures you over your past sanity!! Yes after you pm'd me with that quote I had to stick it on my desktop wallpaper, I think about it a lot, I saw a quote somewhere which means a lot to me now because one of my triggers Into anxiety is feeling like I waste my life sometimes, it's a John Lennon quote - 'time you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted.
So simple but beautiful I think, good luck anyway and remember if it comes again, so god damn what!

06-04-2011, 02:10 AM
that happens to me too!!!

i randomly remember the most random memories ever of my childhood like really random

i get flashes of memories of me being places as a kid all the time

i dont know why

06-04-2011, 11:05 AM
what you and others don't understand is that you never had an anxiety disorder when you were younger and just didn't realize it...all these things youre thinking about in your past and saying "yea! that was anxiety! i've had it all my life i jsut didn't know about it!" is complete BS.

EVERYONE goes through anxious points in life, teh only time it becomes a problem is when it is chronic like it is now. So no, you did not have anxiety when you were younger, but yes yuo were a normal human being that had a little anxiety/panic attack when the situation warranted one, like smoking pot for hte first time..that doesn't mean you had a disorder?

Trust me, i've been through the same thought process, thinking back at certain moments when i was really nervious/anxious and coming to the conclusion that i've had it all my life but thats just not the case. Your brain is just doing it's job, trying to make sense of everything so be thankful for that - your brain is in good working order haha

What it's screwing up is taking everyday normal thoughts and actions and processing it as something scary, unnatural, unnerving and unfamiliar.

THIS is the problem and this is why we're constantly thinking about it 24/7. It's like i know WHY i'm reacting like this but it still doesn't make things any better/less unnerving you know?

This is why im going to try and get help from a PSYCHOLOGIST (not psychiatrist) and really ask key questions and CHALLENGE their answers if they don't make sense to me so that i can really get to the bottom of this.

We're all down, but we're not out.

06-04-2011, 12:56 PM
john mike, thank you very much :) im glad you liked the quote. and i agree. if it comes again, so god damn what! ill be ready for it. joshualives. yeah it's really weird. i think its just our minds searching for answers, putting all the peices together. Gaara, what you said does make alot of sense. because the moments i remember, yeah i was having anxiety,but in a normal situation that most people would get anxiety about. but i didn't even think twice about it, so i guess i didn't really have a "disorder" because i just let it go. it became a disorder when i started grasping onto to and thinking about it 24/7. very good point!

06-04-2011, 02:25 PM
Gaara, I wish more people would turn to psychology vs. psychiatry.