View Full Version : Can feeling poorly set off anxiety?

jon mike
06-03-2011, 02:07 PM
So I've been fine for weeks and weeks following the guidance from my pyhchologist, I've had a really off stomach today and before I know it it's setting off all the depersonalisation/derealisation madness again, it's fine, i can cope with it all but just curious if everyday illnesses set off anybody elses weirdness/anxiety I'm getting all the craziness but can't remember getting my usual anxiety feelings, I feel like it's waited all month until I'm most vulnerable and then pounced me

06-03-2011, 02:41 PM
Hey Forwells,

I've been meaning to ask you for a while. Do you continue to post here soley because you want to help people with their anxiety or because yours isn't fully gone yet or both?

Just always been curious.

jon mike
06-03-2011, 03:05 PM
Cheers man most appreciated

06-03-2011, 03:12 PM
Garra .

Good Question .

Bit of both .

I still have a bit of anxiety but nothing that someone that was in my place wouldn't have . I don't have any silly anxiety. I still get depressed at times but i think its more i get overwhelmed at dealing with crap all the time .

But in all honesty i do it because , i know this is corny to some but it is a promise i made to god that if he helped me then i would help others . I also believe that it is something that others should do . There is so much out there about anxiety and alot is crap from people that have never been there . I believe that one short sentence from someone saying that they were there and that it will pass does more good than talking to some shrink that read it in a book and is charging you a mint and adding to your stress .

It is something i also enjoy . I like helping people and as i said to my doctor the other day i believe that a large part of the increase in anxiety is because as humans we dont talk any more . Years ago if we had a problem we went to the pub and spoke with mates or went and spoke to that auntie down the road . But now we bottle it all up and that can not be good for any one .

cheers kev

That's good and I really appreciate what you're doing because to be completely honest when I joined here in september, i remember reading your posts and thinking "yea, whatever i know he's right but it won't help me" but later on like a few days later, your posts would appear in my head and it'd make the situation better until i was literally my old self again...that is until this january when everything that used to work in the past just doesn't work anymore and here i am lol

but yea, appreciate you posting here