View Full Version : Heightened Senses?

05-31-2011, 12:50 PM
Does anybody ever feel that they have heightened senses?. I feel that my hearing is heightened right before and during a panic attack.

Unfortunately im right in the middle of a panic attack and could use all the help I can get right now :(. The other day when I got home from grocery shopping and was putting stuff into the freezer, it started making a very loud noise....it sounded like something inside was rattling/breaking. I called my friend over who is staying with me and he said heheard it too and tried to figure out what it was but he couldn't and we eventually left it alone. Well for some reason today, I realized I hadn't heard it since that day and went over to the freezer to notice it was still making that rattling noise but only if I listened very hard and focused in on it.

But now part of me is scared that I am imaganing or hallucinating it and it is really scaring me :(. I have a big fear if going insane or becoming schizophrenic and im always scared im going to start hallucinating. Earlier I started playing a video game, but when I turned it on, it didn't sound right....just sounded different.....and then after a second or two, it went back to normal. It was probably just a glitch but that and the freezer is scaring me so bad right now :(.

If anybody can share any comforting words, id really appreciate it. I need to know that im not going crazy :(.

05-31-2011, 12:56 PM
Okay and now im really freaking out. I was playing that video game before going up to the bedroom to write this, but left it on pause. I could have sworn that I heard the coins being gotten (mario game) and thought my friend was up playing it, but when I went downstairs, I saw that he was still sleeping on the couch. Now my bedroom window is open and there are birds chriping which could have been what I was hearing but it sounded so much like the game. I am freaking out so bad right now. PLEASE PLEASE HELP!!!!. I don't want to be going crazy :( :(

05-31-2011, 01:06 PM
Ok nevermind on the game/coins issue. It was my son in his crib playing with his toy lol. I all of a sudden thought that his one toy in his crib made that noise so I ran in and tested it and sure enough, it was his toy.

Itz Omi
05-31-2011, 01:12 PM
Your senses can definitely be heightened by anxiety!! I am sensitive to sounds when I am agitated. I also get concerned over every little sound my car makes while I am driving. "What's that? Is something wrong?" I wonder!

You're not going crazy, so don't worry! :)

05-31-2011, 01:52 PM
I agree with Itz Omi, I feel the same, I complain of strong smells in my fridge, and get my husband and daughters to smell it and they say its fine. Things seem to be different when seeing them, even taste is different. You are not going crazy, and its good to know someone else has the same problems as me. I am very new to this, I suffered real bad panic attacks when my dad died but that was a few years ago. Now I am getting anxiety attacks, had no idea what was wrong until I saw my GP. Just think positive, thats all we can do. I hope you will feel better now you know its not just you!!

Itz Omi
05-31-2011, 02:24 PM
LilyRose, I had to chuckle, because I am always smelling & tasting things others don't!!! I like to joke that I could get lost and sniff my way back home. :D

01-10-2014, 02:33 PM
I had my first panic attack yesterday. I worry about every little thing, and my anxiety level is extremely high. That plus being dehydrated. My vision got extremely heightened, and still sort of is. This makes me panic a bit more and I feel as though what I look at might not be there even though I know that it is. When I get panicky, I feel as though things look different and are starting to close in on me. I pace myself and remind myself to take it easy and try to relax. I can be okay for a little while, but with my vision still heightened I start to panic again. You're not going crazy, I promise.

01-10-2014, 02:41 PM
Howdy All anxiety is is a sence of heightened senses. It is what makes you feel everything more than you once did , it is why something that would never of worried you in the past now worries you . The symptoms are from the stress you are under , nothing more . The problem is and the key to recovery is to not react to those heightened senses and then they will fade . It is human nature to be on alert when one feels ill , if you have a cold you will scan the way you feel but because most people with anxiety dont get that it is only the heightened senses and nothing more they panic thinking that something else is wrong and this in turn feeds it . Just think about it , you are scared of what is happening and this in turn is keeping your body on high alert , the reason why you have heightened senses. This one thing is enough to keep it there . Stop and think about all the things that relate to it . Loss of family , normal life , fear of being mad and spending your life like it . Is there any wonder that you have heightened senses. But guess what its not going to happen , as much as you think and are telling yourself it is, it will not happen . You will just stress yourself more and more and the symptoms that you have will just stay longer . Anxiety has limits and the best way you should be looking at your anxiety is as a warning that you are living your life with too much stress , and its time to do something about it . People that are schizophrenic do not think that anything is wrong with them . The sole fact you questions these sensations tells me that you are perfectly normal . So stop stressing about it . How do i know ? Because i was that bad at one stage i demanded that i be locked up because i thought i was losing it that bad . You would not believe the amount of times i wanted to stop at the local nut hospital . cheers kev

This is well said

People with anxiety are so in tune with their mind and body, they would bet the least group having a chance to graduate to schizophrenia if it were possible.

But since it's not possible, what's it matter!

Anxiety causes intrusive thoughts of harm to yourself and others as well as going insane or crazy

As forwells states, your stressed and need to do things to eliminate theses stresses.

Once the stresses. Fade, so does the anxiety, then no more intrusive thoughts.

01-10-2014, 02:51 PM
I had my first panic attack yesterday. I worry about every little thing, and my anxiety level is extremely high. That plus being dehydrated. My vision got extremely heightened, and still sort of is. This makes me panic a bit more and I feel as though what I look at might not be there even though I know that it is. When I get panicky, I feel as though things look different and are starting to close in on me. I pace myself and remind myself to take it easy and try to relax. I can be okay for a little while, but with my vision still heightened I start to panic again. You're not going crazy, I promise.

Amanda - congrats on your first panic attack.

Of course I'm kidding. Sometimes it helps to laugh at our situation instead of beat ourselves up.

It sounds to me that you have a pretty clear direction on how to silence the negative thoughts

Welcome to the most social group of misfits you would ever want to hang out with.

Lots of great people here with great stories, insight and understanding of what makes anxiety tick.

I hope you.feel great really soon.