View Full Version : Feeling crazy!!

05-30-2011, 11:55 PM
Hello everyone! My name is Angie. I am new here though have lurked for quite some time!
I am not new to anxiety it has interrupted my life for years!

I have 3 wonderful kids. I'm 29 year old I have a wonderful husband etc etc

But I feel flippin crazy!

I have controlled my anxiety on my own no meds for 4 years fine. No major issues!

However the last year I get this strange like a switch being flipped in my brain followed by a dizzy type feeling.

I have a million other issues pain numbness can't breath etc typical anxiety symptoms

So I have had this sinus issue and they thought my dizziness might have something to do with this as I have preasure in the front of my head. My head feels heavy
I get numb easily

So I go have the ct and I get a call within hours. You have some abnormalities in the front of your brain and it Looks like blocking in your corotid arteries.
I freak out. They've taken blood 7 times in 3 weeks nothing is showing wrong
Cholesterol is perfect no heavy metal poisoning cardiac risk assessment is low.
They can't figure out why these things are happening.

In the last 3 weeks my life had fallen apart.
My anxiety is through the roof. I get so light headed my blood preasure is high and It never has been before
My heart races I sweat I feel crazy just waiting for something to happen!

I spent a home year scared to get up and move before these issues bcuz I was anxious
Now I really have something wrong I've lost it!

I need to know I'm not crazy. That I'm not te only one in the world who has issues

I have started riding my bike with
My kids and trying to come out of my shell
I'm the only one in my life w/anxiety so Boone understands!

I'm sorry for the rambling
I just don't know how to make my brain stop!

Itz Omi
05-31-2011, 11:59 AM
Hi Hon,

First of all, regarding the abnormalities the CT scan found. There was a study of over 1,000 healthy ("symptom-free") people where they were all given full body scans. Would you believe a full 86% of them all came back with at least one abnormality?!! That's almost 9 out of 10 people! So, basically everyone has abnormalities that we never find out about unless we get scanned. I once got a lung scan for the heck of it at one of those medical imaging places that cater to us hypochondriacs (I had no symptoms, just curious basically!) and found I've got nodules galore. I also have some mild to moderate build-up in my left carotid artery. Oh, and I had a heart scan there that showed super dense tissue in one breast that the radiologist was very concerned about! Why do I ask for trouble?!!

So, when I heard not too long ago about the unsuspecting 86% having abnormalities, I felt relieved. Some people in the medical industry advise against imaging because they ARE likely to find something, and it doesn't do patients any good to worry over these things because they will never be affected in their lifetime by these abnormalities.

I don't know if that helps, but I can say you are by no means alone!!!

05-31-2011, 06:58 PM
Thank you for the kind replies!

I try to talk things out but I feel like I'm being judged. I think it's very hard to understand anxiety unless you've felt the actual panic!

Anyway I think I freak out more and more worrying I'm 29 If somethig happens and my kids don't have me!!
Anyway today is better. Reading symptoms and that I'm not alone does help.

I wanna love my life and enjoy my husband and kids

Thanks again!