View Full Version : Can anxiety affect only left arm and leg?

05-30-2011, 04:43 PM
Hi guys!

Hi, I am 29 and fighting with weird symptoms, 2 months ago i experienced panick attack.
next day i noticed that my left leg and arm feel bit weird, like weak, tingling or warm, its difficult to discribe, on and off and than I would get very achy muscles, like i did a work out for that one muscle and than chest pain fallowed. so next day i went to ER, thinking there is something with my heart or i have mini stroke. Doctor run quick ECG, checked my temperature and did a physical test on my arm and leg. he told me it was anxiety, nothing more. Since than I experienced chest pain(thinking heart problems), IBS (thinking is colon cancer), stomach palpitations (thinking is abdominal aortic aneurysm)
I had a 3 EKG since than, had complete blood work, a stress test(on treadmill). Everything come back good (apart from my vitamin d, its very low) I went to my doctor at least 4 times, I also went to ER twice in past two months. every doctor told me it is a panic attack or anxiety. I noticed that I freak out alot wiyh all the symtoms I had and I also worry alot. Now I got new one! my left side got bit worse last saturday, since than i feel weak and get dizzy spells for like 3 hours mid day every day. So I went to my doctor again and explained the whole thing and he is refering me for a TIA Assessment (mini stroke) I am so freaked out, I just want my life back,feel so miserable. Is there anyone with such symptoms?

Itz Omi
05-30-2011, 08:21 PM
Hi Hubert,

Forwells is right, a lot of people seem to have problems on the left side of their body, oddly enough!! I don't know why that is! I have problems with the left side of my face - a nerve that runs down the forehead, eye, inside left nostril, and to the left side of my jaw. It seems to be muscle tension-related.

A vitamin D deficiency can cause depression, so maybe it can also cause anxiety. I seriously bet there's a link to your low levels and your health anxiety!!

I get stomach palps sometimes as well, bowel issues, etc. People complain of weak, heavy arms & legs - sometimes I feel that way all over. Anxiety affects us in every way imaginable!!

I'd supplement with Vitamin D (make sure it's D3) and see if that helps you some?

05-31-2011, 11:54 AM
Thanks for your posts! Already feel better! I went for TIA assessment (mini stroke) to neurologist and he couldn't find anything. He refered me for MRI of my brain, he told me it's unlikely that they gonna find anything but at least it's gonna put my mind T ease. I also came back to work today and it sims like my weakness and dizzy spells are gone (touch Wood!)
That one was the worst symptom I had so far, I felt like goin crazy!
Again thanks alot for your posts guys, it really helps.

Itz Omi
05-31-2011, 12:09 PM
I was just wondering... I wonder if people get symptoms on their left side mostly because, for most people, that's the weaker side of the body? Most people are right-handed, and even their right leg is stronger than their left.

Not only is my left side weaker but the vision in my left eye is considerably weaker. That is probably one reason I have problems with that eye.

And, I know someone named "Hubert" is not going to have breasts, but women complain about their left breast more than their right (pain, sensitivity). I wonder if left-handed people have more issues on their right side!

07-15-2011, 05:52 PM
Hi there!
Today I went to see my doctor about my resoults, who referd me for MRI and 24h holter monitor. I though I gonna update you guys. It all came back normal, my brain scan, my heart, my blood work (my vit D is much better now!)
I am glad, my mind is at ease now! But gotta say, this week was creazy, I was very anxious about resoults. Now I will try to focus on recovery from this anxiety thing!

08-07-2014, 03:27 PM
Good for you Hubert, keep up that way of thinking, please! :D

08-07-2014, 11:02 PM
Glad to hear you're feeling at ease about health issues! I too have that strange thing where most symptoms happen to the left side of my body. I have no idea as to why but it is interesting. Could it be related to where anxious brain activity is located? Anyway, glad to see you're feelin better!