View Full Version : New Here (I think I'm a hypochondriac)

05-30-2011, 12:34 PM
Hello all. I am a long time sufferer of anxiety (I also have bouts of social anxiety) and I believe I may be considered a hypochondriac too. Whenever I am stressed (financial, familial stress, any kind of stress) my anxiety seems to flare up and my panic attacks become frequent and more severe. One of the reasons I think I may be a hypochondriac is because during my anxiety attacks I become convinced that I have some sort of disease. I've gone to the ear fearing I was having a heart attack or stroke many times (I'm in my late 20's). Lately, my fears seem to be about cancer. Last week and the week before I was convinced I had colon cancer. Now I am worried about lymphatic cancer. This is actually what prompted me to join. As I read the symptoms of lymphoma I noticed I was actually experiencing the same symptoms. For example, itching is a warning sign. Well about 30 minutes after reading that I began to itch like crazy. I was fine overnight and woke up fine this morning, until I remembered about the itching (and it immediately started up again). Has anyone had this happen? Do you think I could really have lymphoma or this most likely an anxiety reaction?

I take klonopin btw. Any suggestions for a better medication? Thanks.

Itz Omi
05-30-2011, 01:32 PM
Hi there!!

I feel your pain! I have psoriasis (very mild) and was reading an article about it, and it was saying how some people with psoriasis go on to develop arthritis. The very moment I read that, my joints went HOT!! And for about 2 months after that (guessing), my joints ached! I thought I had arthiritis...nevermind that I didn't have any joint pain until I read that article! Finally, my chiropractor convinced me I didn't have it, and the pains went away immediately. Behold the power of the mind!!!

You don't have lymphoma. Your brain is wired to create the very things you fear. WHY we do this, I don't know!