View Full Version : Please help!

05-30-2011, 07:55 AM
Hi there!
I am strugling with anxiety for 2 months now.
But it got real bad week ago, I was at at work and all of a sudden, I felt weak and shaky. Left side would feel very warm and than I got dizzy. I went to A&E straight away. Doctor found nothing wrong with me and I spent (spend?) rest of a day relaxing with my girlfriend. Next day I went to work and felt ok, bit rough.
But on Monday it started again and also on Tuesday, on my day off I went to my GP. He couldn't find anything wrong and refered me to neurologist. Next day I felt worse since saturday and was close goin home. On Friday I went for my assessment with neurologist they also couldn't find anything. On saturday i woke up three hours before work, with a panic "oh God I am goin to work and it's gonna happen again!" so I called in sick. I have been off work for 3 days (also feeling weak and shaky all that time) and coming back to work tomorrow. Since that panic attack I feel fear and am very anxious but not because of going to work but of it's gonna happen to me at work, shaky, weak, worm on left side and dizzy. And because I am security guard I have to stay on shop floor all the time. No one understand me and everyone say "man up!" or it's in your head" or " if you continue like this we gonna have to fire you" Point is that I am going back there tomorrow and freak out alot!
Any advice? Suggestions?

Itz Omi
05-30-2011, 02:12 PM
Hi Hubert!

I almost feel weak reading your post. Ha! Yeah, it's a bugger when that happens! Standing for long periods seems to make it worse.

I wish I had some advice to offer - something that will help - but I just wanted to say I know how you feel. I used to get weak spells. I also used to get "warm flashes" but not on one side in particular. Your adrenals may be taxed, for one thing.

I wouldn't bother with a GP nor neurologist if they are sending you away with no help. Can you go see an acupuncturist? Mine has been more helpful to me (as well as my boyfriend) than any doctor!

05-31-2011, 03:49 PM
There's plenty of advice. It depends on how much you're willing to accept. Most of us aren't taught about ourselves and how we operate. It's the thing between your mind and body causing the problems. Doctors usually leave that part out. Though it's not their fault even when they know it