View Full Version : Trouble swaalowing; forgetting how to swallow???

05-30-2011, 12:27 AM
has anyone experienced this???
trouble swallowing but to the point where you feel that you have to think about swallowing before you do it like as you are about to swallow in the back of your mond you think "ok now swallow" like its not natural anymore i dont know if this makes any sense

i feel like my mouth produces too much saliva or something and that i have to be swallowing constantly

when i forget about it at times it seems to go away

its so frustrating

please tell me someone has gone through this.

05-30-2011, 12:49 AM
I feel like I could have wrote this!! I have had this SEVERAL times in my life! I've had anxiety for years, at least ten and every few months this comes up, my anxiety comes in stages, stages where my chest will hurt for weeks then goes away, or i have this sort of pain or that sort of pain then it goes away and the swallowing thing is one of those issues that come and go with me! I will get it for weeks at a time, where everytime I swallow I have to THINK about it, like slowly force myself to swallow and sometimes I feel like I forget how and I almost can't until I finally do and it takes the breath out of me if that makes sense. And the saliva thing...totally know what you mean, you end up forcing yourself to swallow so much that you produce so much freaking saliva that you swallow more and it does feel un natural! I'm sorry your going through it, it will go away! But it is so frustrating while your dealing with it!

05-30-2011, 09:49 PM
well its good to know that i am not the only one

what do you do? i guess it does come in waves and there will be times where i dont think about it and it will go away until i have something else to obsess about its ridiculous

what other symptoms have you experienced does it ever affect your breathing relatively the same and you feel like you have to pay attention or you will forget to breathe?

06-05-2011, 08:42 AM
I have had this and it was awful. I feel for you. I had it in the run up to my wedding and lost about 3 stone. People assumed I was anorexic but it was just that I couldn't swallow my food as was anxious. I found that if I took a bite to eat and then a sip of drink it helped. I kept water with me at all times. It also helped if I did something at the same time as swallowing such as bent down to pick something up. It eventually went but comes back a bit and doesn't then go until I wake the next morning

10-07-2012, 07:11 PM
I'm going through the same thing right now. Feel like I'm producing too much saliva and have dry mouth at the same time and I have to keep forcing myself to swallow. Kept me awake last night. Throat is irritated and felt really tight all day yesterday. Tightness has mostly subsided today. Feels like there is a large lump in my throat so I can't swallow the normal way. Eating and drinking are fine, just normal swallowing seems to be the issue. Hope this goes away soon. I think I've been fighting anxiety for over a month now. Time to go see a doctor I think. Work and some other health issues have added a ton of stress over the past month.