View Full Version : Anxiety and Pregnancy! Help Please!

05-29-2011, 11:47 PM
This is my first time on this site, but a short brief background...i'm 23, married, have a 2 year old son and have suffered from anxiety since I was a little girl. I have GAD (generalized anxiety disorder), I take Lorazepam when I need it for my attacks. Anyway, my question is...me and my husband would like to start trying for another baby in June but I don't know anything about Lorazepam and pregnancy or while I'm conceiving. I take 0.25 MAYBE 2 times a week, I try my hardest not to take it and to breath through my anxiety but sometimes I have to take it to live a normal life. What are your experiences with this? Also, last time I was pregnant my anxiety sky rocketed so I'm really nervous because last time I had to get on Celexa cuz it got so bad, anyone relate? Thanks!