View Full Version : feeling a little strange.......

05-28-2011, 08:41 AM
okay so i have been trying work on my anxiety without meds now for a couple of weeks. i have actually made some progress, and that feels great. however, when i woke up this morning, i felt a little strange. it's hard to explain, but it's like i felt myself again, haven't felt that for some time. im not having racing thoughts like i normally do. and im not on the verg of a panic attack like i normally am. and these are all great things, but for some reason it feels a little strange. kind of empty in a way. is this normal? is it suppose to feel strange when you are showing signs of recovering. or have i gotten to the point that iv just lost it and think that everything feels normal when it's not? it's a confusing feeling. i feel calm, and having thoughts about if this normal or not, normally i would be in a panic by now, but im not. i don't really kiow how to explain it. does this mean im finally getting over this??? has anyone else felt this way when there anxiety started to fade

jon mike
05-28-2011, 11:15 AM
I know exactly what your talking about because I thought the same, had some good advice though, it's the anxiety again trying to 'trick' you, if your fine your fine, forget about it, think like this, if the anxiety comes back, so what? It's not like you haven't been through it a million times before, it wont be anything new, there wont be anything there that will surprise you, you've been through the worst of it, you cant possibly get any lower, so what if it comes,invite it in, invite it into your home and I guarantee you he won't show up! That simple x

05-28-2011, 12:40 PM
i actually ended up having a panic attack after i posted this. im still freaking out a little right now. i literally feel like i lost touch with reality or something. i felt really calm, then realized well what if im schizo, and i only was calm becuase the things that would normally be bothering me wouldn't bother me if i were crazy. and looking back on it it's so weird. i always know when the anixiety is coming on, but this time it's like i was in a state of anxiety and i didn't even realize it, thats the scary part. like i really lost it for awhile. scared the hell out of me thats for sure........

05-28-2011, 12:42 PM
Iv'e just read your thread, It seems very similar to me. My Psychiatristst says i'm 'borderline' - which means i'm not a serious case, or somebody who can respond to medication. Recently he he has said 'ill see you in three months. My Occupational therapist has been re-assigned - which leaveves me right back where I started. I tell you nsomething, i'm not giving up - iv'e alwaysbelieved that someday i'lll get well. with or without them - I hope that you have the same belief.

05-28-2011, 12:52 PM
what do you mean by borderline? borderline schizo?

05-28-2011, 07:16 PM
i wish soebody else would respond to this thread. soldiernowhome, are you saying you experienced this same situation? i was thinking that the fact that i was feeling normal just freaked me out becuase i haven't felt normal for awhile. but your saying your borderline schizo? okay you have officially freaked me out!!!!

05-28-2011, 08:37 PM
thanks for the reply forwells! you always help me calm down, lol. yeah i figured it was just the emptiness in my mind that felt stange because im use to constantly thinking. funny how feeling normal for a change actually made me panic. just shows ya how long it's been since i felt normal, haha. the other guy didn't help to much tho! jeez... who tells a girl who is panicing that she is borderline schizo!not cool dude! forwells, what do you think will help? perhaps i just need to find something positve to fill my brian with.....

jon mike
05-29-2011, 02:00 AM
Hey, so what if that guy posted something that panicked you? Just think how far you have come even in just the las few weeks! That's a good opportunity to put everything you've learned into practice, you're doing great, I wouldnt give it the time of day. Sorry for late reply btw

05-29-2011, 05:22 AM
thank you! i have come a long way thats for sure. i feel like that set me back a litttle tho. but im feeling much better today, thank god. lol.