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05-27-2011, 03:03 PM
Hi everyone, this is my first post apart from the welcome one. I have only just been diagnosed by my GP with anxiety. I had been getting a bad nausea feeling, then eventually vomitting, which I thought was just a bug, but I had the weirdest feelings too, like everything didnt "look right" things didnt "smell right" I kept asking my family to smell the fridge, but they said it was ok. As I looked around I felt kind of unreal. I felt "edgy" and had no idea what this was all about.
Both my daughters are moving out soon, one to live with her boyfriend and the other to start university, leaving me and my husband alone for the first time in so many years!! We also have two sons who left home a few years ago.
I knew this was upsetting me, but didnt think this could be anything to do with it. I also have an auto immune illness which affects my joints and makes me quite immobile at times, this is a chronic illness and there is no cure.
My gp thinks I have anxiety brought on by a combination of things which are affecting my life, over which I have no control.
She is offering me counselling, but it will take a few weeks to get an appointment.
So, anyone with any quick fix ideas lol!!
Sorry, I am not being unfeeling, believe me, I am struggling with all this, and just cant understand it at all. Any suggestions, or comments would be greatly appreciated, and I hope to make some friends on here

Moonlight Mile
05-27-2011, 06:59 PM
"I hope to make some friends on here"

I'm in a similar boat...my friends and family are supportive, but I know they don't really *get it*...I'm also looking to make friends who understand.

Itz Omi
05-27-2011, 10:16 PM
Hi Hon,

No wonder you are going through such stress - you're going to be an empty-nester!! It's so very common to have symptoms like these from anxiety. Your senses are amplified. I sometimes smell or taste things that others can't.

I wish I had a quick fix for you, but I don't know if there's really anything that can be done, outside of counseling or numbing yourself with drugs, since you are actually going through a stressful event in your life (as opposed to people who have anxiety for no known reason) which is a legitimate reason for being anxious. I hear exercise is really helpful (I'm too lazy to give that a whirl myself, outside of walking), but since you have joint issues, yoga or t'ai chi would probably be great for you!!

Good luck to you!!

05-29-2011, 08:44 AM
Hi Moonlight Mile, thank you for replying to this post and my welcome one. I am glad your family are trying to "get it" it is hard for them to understand these awful feelings. I hope you make some good and understanding friends on here. I hope I will be one of them x

Hi Itz Omi, thank you for replying, and for letting me know you have these heightened senses of taste and smell, its good to know others have these feelings too. Yes, empty nest syndrome!! thats about it, there are other things happening too, but to be honest, I think this is the main one. I used to work in a special needs school, but had to stop due to my auto immune problems, I couldnt physically move the kids and get up and down off the floor anymore. Childminding is quite isolating too, at least working within a company/school etc gives you social time out. Thank you for telling me about the exercise idea. Yes, tai chi has been mentioned before, I did buy a dvd ages ago, so need to get it out and give it a go.

I havent been offered any drugs so far, and would prefer not to take them, as I am on several already for the AI illnesses. Thank you so much x