View Full Version : Facebook

05-27-2011, 12:29 PM
I like facebook. I think it is a great website. It scares the **** out of me sometimes. I'm finally trying to get back on it. Looking around. Checking out what people are up to. Commenting on somethings. Also, sending private messages to people I know.

This is so frustrating. I look really quick, post, comment and send a quick message and leave. I feel like I am hiding from it. I have to say that is has taken me a while just to get on Facebook again.

One day I hope to be out there and be able to post things and comment more but it takes all that I can do just to get out there to look.

I guess it is just frustrating that others can put all sorts of things out there and I can't even sometimes look at the website.

05-28-2011, 08:29 AM
Dear AnxietyFreedom,

First thought was that Facebook didn't exist when anxiety began for me over 30 years ago. However, the things that trigger anxiety don't really matter. The fact is that we all have different triggers that make us feel bad.

Looking at your post, I'd say you're doing quite well. Although you don't stay on Facebook long when you do go on there, at least you look and comment, even though you say it's often a quick thing.

What I'm saying is that in order to live with our fear, we have to meet it on whatever level it takes. However, bad it is for you, you still do it. I hope you realise how great that is.

Anxiety is supposed to abate with continued exposure to it, so I hope you keep on the way you have been doing; going on Facebook for short periods of time. Hopefully, you'll be able to stay on there longer.

Best of luck


06-04-2011, 02:29 PM
Anxiety can be spurred on by almost anything. Mine happened to be driving and being traffic or being "away from civilization" as I like to call it. I think you are doing the right thing by just doing what you can manage for now.

06-06-2011, 06:28 AM
Thank you both so much. It means a lot to get good feedback on what I am doing. Thank you.

06-10-2011, 12:41 AM
Anxiety can be spurred on by almost anything. Mine happened to be driving and being traffic or being "away from civilization" as I like to call it. I think you are doing the right thing by just doing what you can manage for now.

i get what you mean when you say away from civilization. my boyfriend gets upset because i am constantly checking my phone and things cos i have to feel close to other people all the time.

AnxietyFreedom, at least you've had the courage to face your fears like facebook. although mine seem to be the opposite to yours (i am like addicted to facebook) i can relate to the challenge. im petrified of the dark and literally cant face it to date. call me a scardy cat but there i said it. im scared of the dark. at least you have something to feel proud about. hey if your feeling up to it- add me on facebook and when your feeling nervous you can inbox me :)