View Full Version : New to this

anxious annie
05-27-2011, 04:27 AM
im new to this anxiety world and im really struggling to cope with it. In january this year I was going through a really stressful time with university and was working two jobs. After an interview and a really stressful day I nearly passed out, since then I have not been the same.
I have been constantly worrying something is wrong with me in my head. I have really bad panic attacks, I am getting to the point where I dont want to leave the house incase something happens to me and I am not seeing any of the people I care about.
I have alot of the symptome of anxiety but still worrying I have something more serious. I am waiting on my results from a brain scan which my doctor sent me for as he thinks I have labrynthitis (as im having dizzy spells) but whilst I am waiting for these results my anxiety has gone through the roof!!!!
I feel like I am going crazy and my life is on hold which is not like me in the slightest as I was a very bubbly and confidnet person before this happened.
does anybody have any advice to help me get through this I could really use some!!

Itz Omi
05-28-2011, 02:15 PM
Hi there!

Your story sounds a lot like mine. I went through a stressful time when both my parents were in bad health then died 10 months apart. Not long after, I got in very 2 minor car accidents 2 days apart. The next day (after the 2nd accident), I fainted, and that was the beginning of a 2-year battle with anxiety. (I still have anxiety here and there, but nothing like during those days.) I would be dizzy, sometimes afraid to go somewhere where I may faint and knock stuff over, etc. I had a brain MRI and everything was fine. I felt like I was going crazy, it was horrible, because I was a bubbly person myself.

When your system hits a certain point where it can't take anymore, you just kind of fall apart. Don't be surprised that you can't shake it - as I said, it took about 2 years for me to get over that hump.

It's just one of those things you have to live through. It felt like it was never going to end, I thought I was going to be that way forever, but thank God eventually things started to slowly get better. I think what kept it going was the worrying - worrying about my symptoms, that it would never get better, etc. That just fans the flames!!