View Full Version : Please help with dizziness

05-26-2011, 06:26 AM
Well iv been diagnoised with agoraphobia and anxiety.A little while after i was diagnoised,this will sound stupid but someone banged hell of of my downstairs window and im right nxt to it.Well after that everytime i heard a noise i got this like electric energy pulse go right through my head,this happened for a few months everytime i heard a noise and then it started to happen when ever it wanted.It was random,even if i didnt hear anything.And now nearly 2 years lator it still happens.iv had loads of tests done and now the only thing left is migraines or anxiety.Does anyone know how i can stop this dizziness,any advice is helpfull thank you in advance :)

sertraline 100 mg a day (started 6 months after dizziness started)
pregabalin 75 mg twice a day (started few months after dizzines started)
cinnarazine to stop me feeling so sick all the time
pizotifen (started yesterday to see if this is migraines)

Tests iv had done
EEG results fine
ECG 24 hr results fine
Adrenal test results fine
bloods done results fine
eye test result fine
MRI result fine(few black spots on front of brain and a blocked sinus above my eyebrow)
hearing and pressure test result fine


tingle in feet
night sweats
feeling sick
extreme weakness and fatigue
burst of energy in head
allways tired
pupils keep contracting and dilateing
black spots in vision
After images

Itz Omi
05-26-2011, 09:44 PM
Hi there!

"Brain zaps" are a symptom of anxiety, as are the other things you mentioned. Persistently high stress hormone levels increase the electrical activity in your brain, which causes this.

If you are stll feeling dizzy and bad in general, I would question the need for those medications. Meds have too many potential side effects and tend to be hard on the liver & kidneys. If they were actually HELPING you, then it would be worth it, but it sounds like a waste to me. Could you try seeing an alternative practitioner so that you can get advice on some natural healing?

05-27-2011, 07:30 AM
Thank you so much for replying.these brain zaps started about 4 months after i started any kind of medication so i know its not withdrawal or side effects.so is there any way i can get rid of them? maybe a special medication or something?

Itz Omi
05-27-2011, 01:09 PM
Brain zaps will continue to happen as long as you are worrying, because that keeps your stress hormone levels elevated, which causes the zaps. It's a vicious cycle! Just know that the zaps are not harmful in any way, it's just a feeling, caused by too much electrical activity which is being stimulated by the stress. As you stop letting them have their power over you, they will hit the road. :)

05-27-2011, 04:51 PM
iv done everything i can tho,relaxation,cbt etc.nothings working and i carnt continue working on it like this,im bed riddin quite alot let alone going out to change my perception of the world

Itz Omi
05-27-2011, 08:56 PM
I'm so sorry you're having such a hard time. I went through a really unbearable time with anxiety myself not long after I lost my parents. I would feel lightheaded like I was going to faint at times, and there were a couple times when we would go somewhere and I'd have to get right back in the car because I was afraid I'd faint in public and embarrass myself by knocking stuff over. The anxiety was horrible and I had all kinds of symptoms. It took about 2 years to get over that. So, I know how it is to suffer. I never used medications, I just had to live through it. I still get anxiety symptoms from time to time, but nothing like I dealt with then.

I had a friend who was agoraphobic, though by the time I'd met her, she had just started venturing out of the house. She was housebound from a teenager to about age 50 (or almost). I'll never forget going to McDonald's with her & her sister one time. Can you believe, here she is in her early 50s, and it was the FIRST time she'd ever been to McDonald's!! For her, she didn't take meds - she said she just had to deal with it with prayer, etc.

Do you know how all this started for you??

05-28-2011, 08:31 AM
i could of done with no medication before the dizziness started because i could deal with it,didnt like it but i could deal with it,then everytime i heard a noise it would send a rush through my head,then it started happening randomly and i dont no what i can do to stop it.

Itz Omi
05-28-2011, 11:26 AM
You know, I just now asked my boyfriend (since he gets vertigo) if loud noises make him dizzy, and he says yes, and sometimes nauseous as well. I didn't even know that, I just knew about him getting dizzy when stressed, etc.

My boyfriend used to take Meclazine for his dizziness but it didn't help so he stopped taking it. He hasn't found anything that helps, but when he's not so stressed the vertigo is usually fine, though he says loud noises still bother him.

Sorry I have nothing that can help, but just wanted to let you know you are not the only one suffering with this!