View Full Version : Finally making progress

05-25-2011, 04:27 PM
So I went to my appointment in the end with my GP and managed to explain all my symptoms and worries. I think the fact I was a stuttering, emotional mess helped show him.
Anyway, he referred me to a CBT place for which there's a nicely structured program. But part of my anxiety is being scared of thing where I don't know what to expect...I was a wondering if anyone else had CBT and can give me some first hand insight and how it helped.
Im also in a very bad place at the moment so I was prescribed a low dose of citalopram daily for 4 weeks. I know that this isn't a fix but I'm going to see and hope it will help me pick myself up and build me up strong enough to get effective therapy. Has anyone been on it before? If so could you tell me how your first week was because so far I've been feeling sick, getting a few headaches and I can feel my emotions going insane (well more insane than they used to be) however I do feel like my mood has been more consistent but I'm not sure if that's just relief of finally getting somewhere with this burden.

Thank you all, and I hope you're all doing good. Chin up, we can do this!

05-25-2011, 04:51 PM
What I want to point out is that you need to recognize that you are taking steps to take control of your life. This is SO empowering. Keep it up! You'll find that taking it on head first will be a great tool in your life. You will surprise yourself at what you are capable of! It took me years to finally do something about my anxiety rather than just cope with it. I'm doing better than I ever have! Hit me up if you need someone to chat with. :)

06-02-2011, 08:19 PM
Grab that hope and run with it .

Anxiety sucks because it takes hope away from us .

CBT works by pointing out where your thinking is wrong . I don't fully agree with it because a lot of that thinking is because of the anxiety and stress and how it changes the way the brain works .

It will point out what is wrong with your thinking and how it is tricking you into believing stuff that has no fact behind it . Try it you should like it and dont worry about it , its good for someone to point out where our thinking is not right .

Tell me one of your problems / fears and i will show you how CBT works

cheers kev

I feel chest pains out of the blue. Nothing seems to trigger it. How would CBT help?