View Full Version : My Sex life is dying because of anxiety...any help!??

10-27-2006, 05:16 PM
Hey all...

so I was just wondering if any of you had an experience and/or advice for me. I'm new to these forums and am thrilled to have found them. Here's my situation:

I guess I suffer from axiety. I am seeing a shrink who is great and wants me to go get my neurostransmitters tested because he feels meds would help.

I am not ultra anxious and I tend to feel better with exercise, meditation and yoga (on the rare cases I do it). BUT I still can be a hypochondriac (sp?) and worry the plane I am flying in will go down; worry every bump at night is a bad guy breaking in,etc.

It's a livable life but annoys my wife and does keep me on edge more than I would like.

But the biggest issue is sex. Grew up in a sexually abusive house; more mental abuse than any real physical stuff, but that too takes its toll. I can have sex and maintain erections but it's so hard to just let go and be in the moment and really enjoy my wife. I get aroused by her all the time, touching her, fantasies about her,etc...but the moment we begin to act on it, I just can't let go totally. I'm much better than I used to be but still not in the moment enough to have a really fun time. She wants that and I do too. We can have sex, but it feels mechanical 99% of the time. There ARE those times where it has felt great but those are rare (like 2-4 times in 10 years!!!)....

I just get to thinking stuff like: does she like this too? Where do I touch her? Is she into this? Am I into this?

and I just can't get lost in the flow of it all.

Anyone have ANY experience like this? What did you do? Do you think meds will help? I hear they kill sex drive...I dunno. HALP!

Thanks all!

binky 8)

10-29-2006, 02:07 PM
Well, I am still in the process of being diagnosed (anxiety) but I've found the same thing with girlfriends.

I tend to approach sex with a lot of concerns (pregnancy, STDs, etc.) and end up just kind of worrying more than enjoying the moment.