View Full Version : New to this forum and new to anxiety

05-22-2011, 06:16 AM
First of all - I'd like to say hi! I'm a 21 year old college student.

I've only suffered from anxiety for a few months - I can recall it hitting me when a close friend passed away. That is when I began to be dependent on others. I am at the point where I can't sleep alone and have specific people who I feel comfortable to sleep beside. If I don't have any of them then I experience panic attacks at night. I think what makes these people special is that they would comfort me if I had an attack. My panic attacks consist of my heart racing, chest pain, fear of dying due to the chest pain, nausea, and tingling in head. I've been prescribed medication (Effexor, to be specific) but I'm too scared to take it as I don't want to rely on medication. I am aware that I can't sleep beside someone forever but I'm not sure if medication is the route I want to take. My anxiety is pretty much taking over my life. Any opinions? They are muchly appreciated. :)

05-23-2011, 10:26 PM
Take a deep breath and relax. (easier said than done). I've experienced the exact same symptoms. It's funny that we create "security" blankets, in your case sleeping next to particular people that help you. This just goes to show you how amazing our brains are. Obviously sleeping next to someone is not going to have a physical benefit of any kind, unless you look at it from the minds point of view. I too was anti medication until I just got so fed up with anxiety. I decided to finally take control of it, rather than letting it control me. I talked to my Dr. and started taking 50mg of Pristiq daily. I don't know if it has been the medication, or the fact that I'm taking control of it or both, but I'm doing SO much better.