View Full Version : Things just got worse

05-22-2011, 03:09 AM
So I've been suffering with anxiety disorder since I was 17, and I am now 21. It was hell at first, but once I learned about what it is, how it's not dangerous, what causes with it, I learned how to deal with it - combined with exercise, good diet and a good nights sleep I managed to overcome most of my panic attacks. Since about the time I turned 20 I've not had a full-blown panic attack, as I can recognise the signs and nip it in the bud. I used to get an attack when I was alone with my girlfriend, but I overcome it by giving it no power, not avoiding or escaping the situation. Similar things happened if I was in a bar, or if I felt sick, but I overcame them (with a little help from a hypnotherapist too).

Now, recently I've gone through a lot of changes. I went to go to America for 2 months to work with my dad, so I quit my job at home and while I was away, me and my girlfriend of four years split up. I was coping alright, but when I came home things got a little odd. I was ok for the first week and a half - even tho my old life (9-5 plus girlfriend) didn't exist anymore, but about a week ago I developed some serious anxiety. It came out of nowhere and near enough hasn't stopped. I've never experienced anything this strong before. It's like a non-stop panic attack. I'm anxious and pretty depressed constantly, and I even though I recognise that it's probably a chemical thing it's seriously hard to fight. I'm constantly nauseaus and find it hard to keep food down. I have to eat really slow, small portions, and I heave a little afterwards. Last night I skipped tea so I tried to have a few dry crackers before bed and puked a little. It's also affecting my sleep - I can't sleep at night and I wake up at the crack of dawn.

I can usually overcome an anxiety within a few months but this doesn't seem to be triggered by anything, just a random, never-ending attack. I don't drink caffeine or eat much sugar and I avoid energy drinks etc, goin on a few good walks/jogs a day, trying to keep social etc. but it won't end and it's driving me mad. It's becoming a vicious cycle because the less I eat/sleep, the worse I feel the next day.

So yeah that's where I am now, 6 days in. Anyone every experienced this or know what I'm talking about?

05-24-2011, 09:31 AM
In answer to your question, yes, I have experienced many of the symptoms you describe, but I can't say I'v looked after myself as well as you have in order to prevent helping the panicky episodes.
I know we all have to deal with anxious episodes when they occur, but if it's possible, look at getting a good sleep. The effects on a person without sleep are not good. Google it as 'the effects of sleep deprivation', then you need to make choices as to what you want to do about it. That would be to either wait until you happen on a good sleep pattern, therapy or medication.
I'm middle aged and would rather cope with the anxiety, as long as I can sleep. So I take a small amount of medication; enough to give me a good nights' sleep. The days I have to deal with, but I've noticed that dealing with anxiety is so much easier when I've rested.