View Full Version : There is HOPE!! :)

05-21-2011, 11:00 AM
Hi everyone!
Want to share all this hope I have :)
Past few months have been a living hell for me, severe anxiety disorder symptoms, awful social anxiety and recently have been diagnosed with emetophobia. Few weeks ago I feared that I'm going to be stuck like this forever.
So I finally took some action, been having hypnotherapy, was so scared and anxious before first session had been in the room for about 10 minutes and had already had a panic attack. When the first session finished, I left feeling so hopeful and relaxed and it hit me that I can get through this.
Been listening to Binaural Beats*cds everyday and I must say when I'm listening to it I feel more relaxed than I've felt in years. I know its not going to go away over night and know that I have some hard work ahead of me but just wanted to share the hope because I know what its like to just feel hopeless.
Don't give up! :)

Itz Omi
05-21-2011, 07:52 PM
Hi Belle!

Thanks for sharing!! That's wonderful that you're starting to feel hopeful. Keep it up!! :)

06-04-2011, 04:10 PM
Belle hows your hypnotherapy ? Feeling much better already?

06-11-2011, 06:06 PM
Its going well thank you :)
Feel a lot more calmer and relaxed already. Been doing some EFT also.
When I go out now the anxiety is nowhere near how bad it was. Still have a long way to go though.
Really having trouble with the blury vision, the minute I leave the house I can't see properly. I'm trying to do more and more things.
Emetophobia however is still a massive problem, as my worst anxiety symptom is nausea, I have to control the anxiety first, its just one viscous circle, I worry that I'm going to be poorly and so that makes me feel poorly if that makes sense!
Really glad I'm getting the help and that I didn't wait any longer.
Onwards and upwards :)