View Full Version : doubting EVERYTHING

05-20-2011, 07:11 AM
i posted on here the other day about how i was gonna stopo trying to find the right med for me and work this out on my own. But now im doubting everything. i mean how do i even know that GAD is what i really have. sometimes i think i have schizo, bipolar,DD. or something else. how is it anxiety can make me feel all of this...... i just dont feel like me anymore. i don't care about anything, nothing interest me. i dont get excited about anything. i cant enjoy anything because im always thinking about how i feel. i have been dealing with this depersonalization for to long now. maybe i have depersonalization disorder and not anxiety. my boyfriend has been depressed for years, no anxiety tho. and he has had depersonalization for quit awhile. Am i depressed? could that be whats cauing me to have no interest in anything? all my anxiety is mostly mental. i did have physical symptoms such as increased heart rate and everything but i was able to accept that was anxiety and move on from it. but how can i move on from this. how am i suppose to accept that i dont give a shit about anything. i want to feel like me again so bad. this anxiety has consumed me. i dont want the meds they make feel even worse. what am i suppose to do, where do i even began to fix this on my own? will i ever start to care and feel anything other then anger, anxiety, frustration. i want to care, i want to get excited about things again. someone, anyone, what should i do. where should i begin. someone give me hope that i can beat this and feel like me again, i am so lost...........

jon mike
05-20-2011, 09:47 AM
I know that feeling god, go to see a doctor who should refer you to a pyhchologist, CBT or ACT will help you, all is lost, honestly, :-)

jon mike
05-20-2011, 09:49 AM
Heard good things about that linden method also, type that in google