View Full Version : Extreme Globus Hystericus (going crazy)!

05-19-2011, 08:05 AM
Hi ive had globus hystericus for a few months. it's always there but sometimes it's stronger and sometimes its less tense. I had eating/swallow issues in the beggining but I found it very easy to overcome such stuff. What I cant overcome is to do any excersie while having globus hystericus. when I try to run i get tired very fast, and sometimes when it's at its extreme i get breathless just by walking to the store. Im not a fraid of it, well atleast not anymore. I can eat talk stuff like that is easy but as ive mentioned above stuff like walking long distances any exercise at all really leaves me completly breathless after minutes and when I take a muscle relaxant (oxascand) its a oxazepam it helps alot. Almost all the tension in my throat/neck goes away. But theres a catch I cant take the medicine everyday so I only use it when it's at its worst.

I was almost rid of it a week ago but then I had my first panic attack in well a year or something like that and ever since I have alot of lingering anxeity I know from my own experience that this lingering anxeity will go away little by little enabling me to do some kind of exersice in a few weeks, but I dont want that I want it to go away now. Its nice very nice weather outside and I want to go enjoy myself.

As an example lets talk about what happned today. well I was on my way to buy some clothes a pair of jeans shorts tshirt summer stuff anyway.. as I made up my mind and stepped out of my apartment I felt alot of lingering anxeity, I had not been far away from my own apartment ever since I had the attack so I ignored it and kept going to the train my mind was firmly set on overcoming any anxeity. so as I was aboard the train my lingering anxeity felt worse my throat was so sore it actually hurt, and I felt tightness around my chest which made me feel my heart beat very clearly and i could feel my whole body beating to rate of my heartbeat. still in the midst of all this I was calm, iv'e never been so calm in my entire life. I decided to step out go to the nearest store to buy some drink because globus hystericus make's me very dry in the throat area so I like to drink very often if possible.

And now im at my apartment again and its all gone my throat is fine just a tiny bit of tension I can barley feel it. and im gonna give going to the store and buying clothes another try in about an hour after I get something to eat, but I doubt I will get any better results.

before this I always had a bit of lingering anxeity I mean before the attack but I could go places mby not workout because whenever I workout my globus is always lurking in the backround making any form of real hard exersise when I push myself to the limit or even try to push myself at all impossible. Specially Lifting weights which is what I used to enjoy alot but when I lift heavy wights I tense up and if Im alrdy tense around chest neck throat area and I tense up some more i start to get a chocking sensation. I had alot of eating problems a while ago but what helped me was just to keep eating and now I eat an insane amount of food everyday and i try to walk alot and do little forms of exersise.

endnotes: what helps is to drink alcohol, take my muscle relaxant when i experience alot of tension, and to do non-physical stuff like playing video games chatting with friends through skype and reading when I do stuff like these it makes me feel better.
and im diagnosed globus hystericus so Im already checked out by a doctor/my psychiatrist.

And it can actually also be pollen because its pollen season here where I live, i sometimes get nasal congestion when im outside mabie im experiencing globus + pollen allergy. so I dont know really but if it was pollen I would experience it at all times because when I take my muscle relaxant and go outdoors I dont really feel anything or when im indoors with a open window I dont have any issues or when I sleep with a open window.

it just feels like im a prisoner, i can do indoors stuff without any problems and stuff like hanging around the bar with friends but anything like taking the train ride far away or taking car into the city stuff like that or going to the gym working out or running outside or walking far. right now the only thing im waiting for is friday so I can go to the bar and get hammered with some friends. it seems like when im in that state such things as anxeity and globus hystericus is so far back in my mind that it feels like I never even had it......

10-04-2011, 02:43 AM
God, I know how you feel. I've had this for eight years now, and I know all too well how this can drive you crazy, and how people don't understand. Drinking alcohol helped me too, as it relaxes, but of course this is about the most dangerous medicine one can think of... But believe it or not (I even find it hard to believe), I think I have found a solution. I have started taking magnesium-calcium pills by a company called Solgar. There are many magnesium pills out there, but the ones I found worked best are called "magnesium-calcium 2:1". It doesn't work overnight - I took them for several months, one in the morning and two in the evening, as your body will absorb magnesium best in the evenings. And after a few weeks/months I could feel my entire system beginning to relax, not just my throat, but all my muscles and my mind as well. You cannot believe how relieved I am. I still take two in the evening, because I stopped a while back and immediately, within a week, the sensation returned. So I just keep taking them, to be safe.

Really, try it. It doesn't do any damage, it is just a simple supplement.