View Full Version : New here with questions!

05-18-2011, 11:22 PM
Im 24 years old and have recently been diagnosed with anxiety. My anxiety isnt like anyone elses that I have talked to. Thats why I came here! My story starts out like this. I was laying in bed one night and was playing with my hair, when I ran my fingers through my hair my scalp was completely numb on the left side. I jumped up and grabbed the phone to call my husband at work. While on the phone with him, I went numb in the left side of my face and in my hand my heart started racing and beating very hard and I felt like I was gonna pass out. I knew I couldnt drive myself to the hospital so I called my cousin. They done a CT scan, chest xray, and an ekg. Everything came back fine and they diagnosed it as anxiety. I didnt trust the local hospital so I made my husband take me the next morning to one that is 1.5 hours away.. they said the samething without doing any tests. They were going by what the local hospital said. So I went in to see my regular doctor the following Monday and she got the results of my tests from the hospital and verified that everything is fine, so it must be anxiety. She put me on Ativan for this. Now, nothing is going on, on the left side.. occasionally I will get tingling on the left side of my face, but thats about it. It has all went to the right side. I get this stabbing pain about 2 inches behind my ear that only last for seconds. I get a warm sensation on the right side of my head, and something feels very odd with my right eye. My ear hurts sometimes and feels kinda stopped up. Today I went back for a checkup and she is now sending me to a neurologist and to be honest, I am scared to death! The feeling in my eye is what scares me the most. I do believe that I have anxiety but it takes a pain or a certain feeling in my head for the anxiety to kick in. 1 year ago my husband had a brain aneurysm clipped. It took 3 MRIs and a new radiologist to find this aneurysm that he had "since birth" so im not completely trusting any test either. I just want to go back to my "normal" life and quit spending every minute of my life thinking I am gonna die. So has anyone else experienced this eye feeling with anxiety?

05-19-2011, 01:03 AM
Please do try some natural treatment therapies like meditation, yoga etc. and try to avoid using cell phone if possible. And don't talk more than 5 to 10 minutes over it. Probably it's electro magnetic radiation side effect has taken toll on your health and brain.

After trying above you should start getting back to normal in 6 to 12 months with even more better state of mind and body.

Itz Omi
05-21-2011, 09:28 PM
Hi there!

I have issues with my left eye, as well as nerve sensations on the left side of my face. I've had this for months, with no help from a neurologist. I have had tingling in my face as well, even my tongue, but that was a while ago.

Thanks to a wonderful acupuncturist, we're onto something. It appears that it has to do with muscle tension. I'd stopped wearing my glasses and gave myself eye strain. Also, in my job, I look to the left a lot, and rarely to the right. An electrical test at the chiropractor's office showed tension on the left side of my neck and he's the one who asked me if I turned my head to the left a lot...yes!! In fact, not only do I look to the left all the time at work, but my boyfriend always sits to my left - in the car & at the dinner table.

I have sensitive spots on my scalp and acupressure on those points seems to help. I haven't rid myself of the problem, I don't have the money to burn to get a whole lot of treatments, but I have alleviated it some. Also, knowing what the probable cause is helps a lot, too.

Warm sensations (as well as cold sensations) are often anxiety-related. I used to get that when my anxiety was worse. In fact, it stopped not long after my chiropractor told me it was a stress response. Not worrying about it caused it to stop, I guess!

Incidentally, my acupuncturist has another patient with the same symptoms I have - the nerve sensitivity on the left side of the face. The patient is a director of a huge company and has a lot of stress. Again, most likely another muscle tension issue. It's amazing how muscle tightness can cause so much trouble!!!

If I were you, I'd try to find a really good acupuncturist who does acupressure and see if he can find some trigger points that may be causing your issues. It costs about $65 per visit and lasts about an hour. Try it just once and see if he/she picks up on anything. (I'd suggest an acupuncturist trained in China, if possible.)

Good luck!!

05-25-2011, 07:36 AM
You've been diagnosed with anxiety as a cause for the symptoms you've experienced. It may well be that, and then what you'd have is a Conversion Disorder. That's where the mind affects the body.
Don't let anyone tell you that it's 'just' anxiety. Conversion Disorders are treated the same as any other condition, which means the physical symptoms are treated the same way for an anxiety sufferer as for a person without it.
Another thing anyone experiencing anxiety seems to sometimes forget is that they can have physical illnesses in the same way people without it can. So keep pushing to get everything checked out on the medical side.
I like the other replies you've had. Itz Omi's suggestion you try accupressure is a good idea.

Best wishes

05-25-2011, 04:57 PM
Well you could have a lot of unconscious or undealt with stress and anxiety that is manifesting itself physically.. I know tingling is a common symptom of anxiety sufferers and migraines are not uncommon as well. It wouldn't hurt to see a neurologist and get an MRI just to rule out some things.

Good luck with it all!!!!

Itz Omi
05-26-2011, 02:03 PM
Another thing anyone experiencing anxiety seems to sometimes forget is that they can have physical illnesses in the same way people without it can. So keep pushing to get everything checked out on the medical side.

I sort of cringe when I see people on Anxiety Boards say this. A lot of people here have hypochondria and are already GOMERS (what doctors call us, which is short for "Get Out of My Emergency Room"). Sure, sometimes people do have real issues AND anxiety, but I understand that 92% of what a patient sees their doctor for can be traced to stress. This lady has already had the necessary tests, and I highly doubt her insurance is going to pay for another round of tests all over again when the answers are likely to be the same. Telling a person "You could still have something wrong with you!" is sort of counter-productive here. That could be true for anybody, but for those of us with health anxiety, sounding the alarm system for someone else only makes things worse by creating an endless cycle of symptoms and panic. I have a cousin who did this to me... I had some symptoms that had almost gone away because I had gone to an acupuncturist and stopped worrying about them. Enter my cousin, who tells me, "You could actually have something wrong with you and the stress just triggered it!" Know what happened? The symptoms came back immediately and I have been dealing with them ever since.

I don't mean to come down on you or anything for the advice you offered, it wasn't bad advice, but I'm just saying you kind of need to be careful, esp. when it's someone who's already sought medical care for their problem and told it was anxiety. You may be doing more harm than good.