View Full Version : new here....need help

05-18-2011, 11:48 AM
i am a 24yo F. my anxiety started about 3 years. it happened out of no where, i was at work one day and had a panic attack. i just new i was dying, lol. went to the doc got put on zoloft and it worked like a charm. about a year later found out i was pregnant and quit taking it. my son is almost two now. iv been anxiety free now since he was born. until recently. i let my stress go for to long, turned into anxiety, turned into panic. thats where i am now. it's been about three months since it all started. i went to the doc wanting back on zoloft. but this time i had a strange reaction to it, same thing with celexa. my anxiety is out of control, i think about it 24/7 and can't get my mind on anything else.i have depersonalization, and that is the worst part of all. i just finished nursing school in feb, and my anxiety is so bad i have not even gone out to get my first nursing job yet. i always convince myself i have all these different conditions, mainly mental disorders, the most recent was schizo. The doc started me on cymbalta 5 days ago and i feel like im losing my freakin mind! okay ill start with the mild. insomnia, had that anyway, dry mouth, not a big deal. little nausea, loss appetite, i only weigh 110 as it is so that worries me. My anxiety is even worse then when i started, panic attacks a couple times a day, can't sit still, but at the same time i am exhausted. worse depression. and it just makes me feel so freakin weird! i can't concentrate, my mind is always racing. i keep having weird thoughts that make no sense at all, not morbid or anything, just weird. when im tring to go to sleep my mind wont shut off. i start dreaming, but it's like im not all the way asleep yet... if that makes sense. then ill jerk awake and think was that a dream or did that really happen. so weird. i feel spacy, like high or something. not myself at all. im trying to hold off and see if the side effects ease off. has anyone taken cymbalta? and what was your experience? i want to keep taking it to see if it works but im afraid it will only get worse, and make me lose my mind. what should i do guys! im so desperate! i want to get back to being me and function like a did 3 months ago. it seems like i cant handel any of these meds, and i dont understand why i had the bad reaction to zoloft this time around when it worked so great not to long ago. the doc said it was a "manic" episode. but assured me im not bipolar, it just happens sometimes. anyway i need advise about the cymbalta! advise about anything really! thanks :)

05-18-2011, 12:22 PM
come on, anyone?