View Full Version : some1 please help

10-25-2006, 10:18 AM
i feel i am dying and feel very very strange..i try to tell my doctor but he just doesnt understand :? as soon as i wake up i feel so strange and nothing looks rite and im sure im dying :?

some1 please help or say if this is normal or not......ty in advance

10-25-2006, 08:19 PM
You are not dying. If your doctor is aware of this then im sure hes done tests? if he hasn't you should have them done just to give you some comfort. I use to feel like i was "dying" all the time. It was awful and sometimes it still is. I Felt nervouse 24-7 for about 2 months. I had panic attacks and heart palpitations all the time. I was convinced there was something wrong with my heart. I've had tests done and everything has come back normal. please try not to worry or focus on it so much, i know its soo hard but it really helps to take your mind off of it.

10-28-2006, 08:34 PM
When I first started getting attacks, I thought I was going crazy. I also thought that dying would be better than putting my family through this. I've been Agoraphobic for almost 20 years now. Started as homebound until my parents took me kicking and screaming to a Dr. Thankfully, she specialized in anxiety, panic attacks and Agoraphobia. I also went through Hypnotherapy to start driving again. Then I started work again. I didn't work for six months trough the treatment. But I spents 8 years as an Office Manager for a Dentist, and then the next 10 years as (you'll be shocked) a Bartender. Bartending made me gain confidence back because I was in control of everything and everyone. I call it Adult Day Care. Fitting huh? I'm not a drinker so it amused me the way my idiot customers were every day. In my mind, they were numbing their own anxieties and doubts. Just remember no one has EVER died of an anxiety attack. If you weren't strong enough to conquer this, you wouldn't have it. Hang in there.

