View Full Version : First appointment - scared!

05-18-2011, 04:31 AM
Hi all, I hope everyones doing ok,
I got the courage to book a Doctor's appointment, as recommended by a councellor and it's less than a week to it now. I have no idea what to expect, say or do. I know when I go in there my mind will go blank and I'll get nervous.
I just wanted to know what the usual procedure is. I'm so scared of being sent out with them saying, it'll go away after exams to get over it whilst I'm desperately trying to convince them that I've been this way for at least 3 years now. I keep thinking that there are so many other people who need their help and that I'm a waste of time, which is giving me second thoughts about going. Do I write a list of things that happen, or just try to remember everything?
Also do i tell them that I've got way too many exams at the moment for any long term counselling? I want to be ok for my exams so I'll get into university, but I'm so unmotivated right now, I feel like there's no point.
I don't want to be sent to an institution either! What if I tell them about my depersonalisation experiences?! And the weird images and insomnia. I'm going crazy thinking about it, I cant bring myself to go to college because I'm scared I'll have a mood swing and either a panic attack, get angry at my friends, or be asked if I'm ok for the entire day.
! I've had 3 hours sleep so sorry for the nonsense rambling

Edit - I also wanted to ask whether any of you get mood swings, what are they like and how quick do your moods change and how bad do they get and whether I should tell my doctor

05-18-2011, 05:01 AM
Well done for booking the appointment! :)
My mind always goes blank when at doctors and just can't think of anything! Had a consultation for hypnotherapy monday so I wrote a list of everything that's wrong and different feelings I have, I'm glad I did. The doctors only ever prescribed me anti depressants which I refuse to take because of the side effects, so I've found my own route of help.
Good luck at the doctors, you can do it :)

05-18-2011, 11:40 AM
I suggest you'll join a support group and network with people who used to be in this situation and continued on...
you'll be amazed how other people can help you advance

05-18-2011, 04:23 PM
i recovered without drugs and are yet to find someone that recovered with drugs alone.

That's because it's impossible to recover on drugs alone. The best case scenario with drugs is that someone is going to take them and feel completely better with almost no side effects (and even this is rare). However, even if this person is 100% better, they are not recovered because they still have to take drugs to feel this way. Being recovered means that the condition in question is GONE, and medical intervention is NOT required to keep it at bay.