View Full Version : Scared

05-18-2011, 02:20 AM
So tonight I got back from the gym and turned the tv on and watched that show with tim allen in it and I went to jump in the tub and I was in there for about 5 minutes or so and in the middle of washing my hair I heard what sounded like my dad and I looked at the clock and it was around the time when he gets up so I didnt think much about it I jumped out of the tub and walked into the living room and he wasnt in there so when he did get uo I asked if he walked into the living room a few minutes ago and he said he just walked out of his room the voice was loud enough for me to answer thinking it was my dad is this a common thing cause im really scared and I feel like im going to puke

05-18-2011, 11:52 AM
take it easy.
it really does not sound serious.
you probably imagined the whole thing.

is everything alright now?

05-18-2011, 11:33 PM
I do this often and have for years. I will be in a room and think I hear someone yell my name. I always go check it out but its nothing. Since having my daughter sometimes I will hear her cry out or say Mom.. and shes asleep or playing somewhere. My Mom does the samething. I have even been at other peoples houses and someone will come through and say "Did you need something" thinking someone called for them. Its very common!!