View Full Version : Panic attack drug

05-17-2011, 07:44 PM
Hello, I am lucky enough to only suffer from rare panic attacks, but these days i find that im more worried about the panic attack than the things that may be triggering it... anyway i was looking for a drug that would prevent a panic attack?... I dont want an 8 week course of medication, but an instant drug that i could just take as a one off if i felt panicy to calm me down... anyone know if there is such a thing? regards to any responders, and sympathies to those of you that suffer with this.

05-18-2011, 11:43 AM
well..you are looking for the "Magic Pill" or the "Magic bullet" as they call it.
you can take high concentrate medication to numb you out, or a milder medication, but i would recommend
going to therapy, listening to personal development tapes, or using natural techniques for ending panic attacks effect.