View Full Version : What to do?

05-17-2011, 07:59 AM
I am 18 years old and have a phobia of sickness. I have not been sick in over 6 years, but in the last few years especially it has become much more intense. I cannot even bring myself to say the word and usually replace it will "physically ill".
If someone coughs around me, I either walk away quickly or if i cannot leave i cover my ears and start counting. I fear that they will be ill if they do not stop coughing. I do not ever want to have children as if they get ill i do not know what i would do? Furthermore, before i could even start of having children i would have to have a partner, this even scares me. I cannot put myself close to anyone (i have had two relationships which i ended as soon as they came near me basically - these did not last long). I feel that if they are ill I will then catch it if they kiss me or come too close to me. I HATE THIS!
Also, I am going to university later this year, but I only have a 20% of getting an ensuite, otherwise I will have to share a bathroom with lots of other students. This scares me because lots of students go out drinking (another thing is that i do not drink - will never get drunk as it can lead to being ill) and they might spend the night/next day throwing up which is not good if i need in the bathroom. I have had nightmares about this and really scared about going, but also i have a young sister (4 years old) and if she is ill I go stay with my friend at night if at all possible.
I do not know what to do anymore...

05-17-2011, 08:42 AM
First of all do not worry. There is help available for you if you continue to look for it. I would certainly advise going to see a counselor as soon as you get to university, they are very helpful and can recommend some actions for you to take. The perk being that counseling is free at university. Also continue searching forums for others who have a similar problem as they will be able to offer you advice. Sadly I cannot offer you any first hand advice as this is not an area that I am familiar with having not suffered from this myself. I did actually used to know someone who had a condition very similar to this but do not know how they went about dealing with it. I would certainly keep looking for advice as you are doing. This is a good sign that you are not willing to let this rule your life and shows that you can make the first step to dealing with it. Hope you get on ok.

05-17-2011, 04:37 PM
Hello, I can really relate to what you're going through!
I'm 21 and I also have a fear of feeling and being sick along with an anxiety disorder which makes me worry so much about it that I end up feeling sick pretty much all of the time. Like you, I don't drink anymore for the same reason. And there's no chance I could ever baby sit! I chew gum excessively in attempt to stop feeling ill (it dosnt work) but still I carry on! I havnt much advise I'm afraid, just wanted to let u know that you are not alone with it and that I understand :)

05-17-2011, 07:56 PM
You need to find something that comforts you. A thought that will relax you. I have panic attacks so i know when u get into the spiral of negative thoughts its really hard to break out of, but u need to think of things that would comfort you...
I always try and think that the worst thing that is going to happen is that i will be throw up, and although throwing up is not nice, it's not so bad.
With what your both saying about the fear of getting ill, you need to perhaps think about the worst case scenario. So you get a cold or you throw up... yes its shit for a few days but it is not going to kill you so there is no real need to fear it... Anywya I wish you both the best in overcoming your problems.