View Full Version : muscle tension due to stress help please

05-17-2011, 02:38 AM
hey everyone
okay so iv been suffering from anxiety for 5 months now but i now know iv suffered from it since i was young. also i have been suffering from other problems since i was young aswel and i was wondering if they maybe linked

i will apologise now for some of the things in the post, sorry

over the last half year i have been having x-rays on my throat as i get my food stuck stupidly easy, that easy i can get cereal stuck. i have had all my test results back and my throat is perfectly fine, i have no narrowings of the pipe, i have no pockets, everything is fine

the woman that was seeing me for my throat, learned that i was suffering from anxiety in a conversation we had, when she found out nothing was wrong with my throat, she told me to speak to a therepist about it as she thought it could be due to tension in my muscles due to stress

what do you guys think?

also i have trouble going to the toilet for a number 1 and 2
i have trouble passing all my urine, not all of it comes out and i can feel it still in "the tube"
as for a number 2, everytime i have one its painful and i bleed, i no this isnt an internal thing as the blood in freash

i was thinking maybe this could be due to muscle tention due to stress aswel
what do you guys think?


05-18-2011, 09:59 AM
is there anything i could do to help this, or is it something i just gotta live with?

ahh okay, i think i will see my gp about the no 1 and 2 thing

i wouldnt say its piles as iv suffered with this for a very very long time


p.s hope you feel better soon

05-18-2011, 02:55 PM
yeah i find certain food are worse

ahh i see, ill get an appointment tomorrow and see what happens
