View Full Version : need help/opinions please

05-17-2011, 02:25 AM
hey everyone
iv been suffering with anxiety for 5 months, and im doing pretty well now
i rarely get physical symptoms now, but if i do i only usually get hot and fidgety or my legs ache, so thats pretty good
iv stoped getting negative thoughts that would normally put me in a panicy position, so again thats good

however all im suffering from now are emotional affects
i will randomly have spells of sadness or overwhelming
the sadness is like a really deep sadness but will only last for a few minutes
and the overwhelming is like alot of pressure in my head and my whole body will feel heavy as if im really deep under water, this will last for about 5-10 minutes

im just wondering where i could go from here
any help or advice will be much appreciated

05-17-2011, 02:39 AM
Hi Richy,

It sounds to me as though this is another off shoot of your anxiety. An element of depression is almost always present in anxiety sufferers as we tend to be unhappy with the way we feel and just want to be better again.

I totally understand how you feel as I used to get this symptom myself in the early days. It really is interesting the wide range of feelings and thoughts which we as anxiety sufferers have to overcome in order to carry on on our way to recovery.

When you feel these feelings of sadness do they tend to come at specific times of the day or are they simply very random in nature? Have you noticed any kind of link between them and the way you feel or think leading up to them? It is important that you do not give to much thought to these feelings. Many people deemed 'normal' have these feelings but we as anxiety sufferers place such a high importance on feelings such as these that we turn them into a problem when they are in fact normal.

You will not always be in a happy mood all day and it important to know that. When I used to suffer badly I always told myself that I had to be happy 24-7 to be fully healthy again but this is impossible. When I accepted that moods come and go it was quite a liberating experience. I would just allow myself to feel how i was going to feel instead of asking 'why' and before I knew it the mood had faded and I was laughing again.

On another note it is really great to hear that you have made some really good progress. When you have these feelings of depression just take a minute to think about how far you have come and how well you have done. This alone should cheer you up in no time. You sound like you are doing great and are on your way to being the one in control. Just remember to keep telling yourself that one day this will all be over and you will be living a life free of anxiety and its many guises.


05-18-2011, 10:08 AM
iv been trying to get on with these emotions but each day that goes by, the emotions seem to me more frequent and last for longer, mainly the sadness feeling that is
just bugs me cus i wanna be happy i dont wanna be sad
not even getting a new car on monday made me feel any better :(
it just frustrates me now


05-18-2011, 11:32 AM
Hi Richy

If you focus too much on your aching feelings they will always remain.
try focusing on the outside world when these things happen to you.
remember that you are SAFE and that nothing really threatens you
and when you focus on the outside world, let's say...a tree outside or a car moving by
you put your emotions on hold.

Try it, see if it works

05-18-2011, 02:56 PM
ahh i see, i shall give that a try