View Full Version : I feel i am going to die

10-25-2006, 05:47 AM
i have been suffereing from anxiety for about 6months, i have had 2panic attacks which i didnt like atall...i though i was going to drop dead :? , but now i am feeling really weird eveyrday and its a strange feeling i cant describe..for example i cant stay in a room on my own( it just doesnt look right or feel right) my vision is starting to become very weak...i cant watch T.v, and just am prettty sure i am dying! has any1 had similar symptoms?? please i would really like help.

ty in advance Alex :)

11-10-2006, 01:30 AM
Yes Im the same. And many more people on here feel the same. It's all part of Anxiety.

11-10-2006, 11:38 PM
Yes I feel the same way my friend. Welcome to the horrible world of Anxiety..

I dont like to be alone either, although lately I'm trying very hard to overcome it. I take meds daily and have been suffering from this for about 5 years now. But dont let the 5 years scare you, it doesnt mean its going to happen to you for that long.. some ppl get over it in no time.

Maybe something tragic has happend in your life? Has everything been going okay for you w/ your family and friends?

Dont give up you are NOT alone, and im here if you would like to chat :console:

11-12-2006, 06:03 PM
Alex, I hear ya, vision becomes a problem for me too. Could it truly be anxiety is a question I often ask myself...I guess it is. That is what the doctors tell me.

Hang in there, you are not alone. I also feel that way.
When I find a cure (I have been suffering for 10 years) I will post how to cure this.

I know it will get better.

:D :D