View Full Version : Motor Skills impaired. Anxiety?

05-16-2011, 02:55 PM
Recently some of my anxiety/depression symptoms have changed a little bit. I am having trouble typing, and texting for example. It is almost as if it is harder to move my hands and figers. Anyone ever experienced anything of the sort? Kind of scary.

05-16-2011, 04:10 PM
Yes totally,

Dont worry about it. I used to feel off balance a lot and one technique I found that really focuses the mind and makes you feel grounded again is to find 5 things you can see, 5 things you can feel and 5 things you can hear. It is a great technique. Give it a try. With regard to texting and typing it is your concentration which is suffering as a result of your brain over working itself in the background because of your anxiety. Try not to let it bother you and carry on with your day and eventually these symptoms will fade. I can assure you that these kinds of symptoms pass as you begin to get over your anxiety. Dont worry about things. Just be. Allow yourself to feel however you will feel and learn to carry on regardless and tell yourself 'so what'. They are just feelings and thoughts and you are the one in control. Stay happy. =)

05-16-2011, 05:41 PM
Wow thank you. Reading that actually made me feel better.

05-17-2011, 02:20 AM
I should also note that if you are on an antidepressant, impaired motor skills are a fairly common side effect.