View Full Version : Hearing sounds, voices, and songs

05-15-2011, 12:36 PM
Last night I was working at the door at a party and I had to break up fights and things and when I got home at like 330 in the morning and tried to sleep and my mind was racing and hearing bits of
conversations, songs, and sounds really loud in my head and couldn't relax and fall sleep and they got so loud that they sounded like they where in my ears it wasn't like I actually heard them it was in my has but they where happening so fast is this normal

05-15-2011, 09:47 PM
To add I didnt really sleep the nights before got like maby 10 hours of sleep 2 days before

jon mike
05-15-2011, 11:14 PM
There you go then, if I don't get sleep my senses play havoc with me, this is why a balanced lifestyle is key, door work your gonna struggle though I guess eh? As long as you know what it is

05-16-2011, 04:01 PM
Hi Boxer,

Don't worry about it. It is simply your tired mind replaying the sounds and events of the night. The reason they seem to get louder is the amount you are focusing on them. You werent hearing voices as such it was just your mind going over what you heard that night. It happens to a lot of people as a result of a hectic night and being so tired. It is just like when you have a song stuck in your mind. Your brain just keeps going over it. Get a good nights sleep and put your worries to the back of your mind and you will see that you were just paying to much attention to the thoughts in your mind. I can imagine that door work is a stressful job and it is likely you stiill had a lot of excess adrenaline surging round your body one of the main causes of anxiety and feeling hyped up). I would suggest going for a nice relaxing walk to rid yourself of the excess adrenaline and then have a good shower and hit the sack. Give yourself a routine also as this helps your mind to switch off ready for sleep.

Take it easy.

05-28-2011, 02:03 AM
I get this all the time, and at one point was concerned I was going insane. I had a panic attack and told the doctor at the ER, and he sent me to get evaluated by a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist concluded it was just anxiety causing increased Hypnagogia (search it on Wikipedia, I cant post links). I only get it at night when I'm tired, and it's fragments of sentences and things people said throughout the day. Nothing to worry about