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05-13-2011, 04:13 PM
This is me in a poem I wrote last year:


My stomach's just hurting
My breathing's all wrong.
There's a day to get through
So I have to go on.

I worry about burglars
And so I clean up.
Take the mess from the equasion
And wash that last cup.

I sit facing the front
While I'm on the bus.
A woman steps back on my foot
With no fuss.

The woman says "Sorry"
I say "It's alright."
But it's not and it hurts
And I fancy a fight.

Once I asked friends
How they would describe me.
"Laid back" said one
'Cause they couldn't see

My long practiced
And completed task
Of asserting myself
From a public mask.

I take Venlaflaxine, 75mg. However, I've found that in order to keep normal, I take one quarter of that each night before bed. I consulted my doctor about that who said that taking the tablet before I go to bed, rather than in the morning was alright. The amount, however, was altered without consultation, and I don't think cutting down a recommended dose is a good idea. Still it makes me function normally, and sleep through the night, which for most of my life, without medication, has been impossible. I also feel better during the day and less anxious. It doesn't mean I don't have the feelings I described in that poem, that was written without medication. However, I seem to be able to cope with those feeling more easily.

05-14-2011, 12:15 PM
Nice poem Gladys. Thanks for sharing your story.

05-14-2011, 05:07 PM
Great poem :)

05-20-2011, 07:22 AM
wow that is a brilliant poem, very talented :-)