View Full Version : Delusions?

05-10-2011, 10:37 PM
The past week ive been having horrible depetsonalization with some really strange thoughts I was eatching tv and I seen this guy hold a gun to this other persons head and I had a weird thought about acting the thought out not with a person just with my hands and pretend that I was doing it and I got so scared cause I thought that is a really strange thought and didn't make any sense at all I've been having thoughts like this like having delusions and hallucinations I really need some advice on this its really bugging me out

05-10-2011, 10:40 PM
I'm not having hallucinations or delusions I know that they are strange just wanted to know if this sounds like psychosis or something

05-10-2011, 10:59 PM
I'm not having hallucinations or delusions I know that they are strange just wanted to know if this sounds like psychosis or something

dont let your anxiety trick you into believing that you have another mental disorder its just fear, anxiety and an over active imagination.

check this out, http://www.anxietynomore.co.uk/anxiety_worrying_thoughts.html

05-12-2011, 04:05 PM
hI BOXER1...I can assure you..this is just the anxiety talking. Im too ashamed to go into detail about the things I have thoughy but I still cant watch any horror movies with blood as I am afraid I will starting thinking in my head Im going to copy them or something.ridiculous! also there is a bridge I cycle past and i literally dread going past it as its over a very busy four-lane road and i just have visions of just riding straight off it onto the traffic. i get so annoyed with myself because i just want to enjoy the ride but i dont like riding beyond it as it will just plague me and i wont stop worrying until i return and get over it into safety.
this is just the start believe me!

05-12-2011, 04:24 PM
Oh ive had harm ocd since I was a junior in highschool I just didnt know whay it was I can't watch scary movies at all the reason this thought bothered me so much was it didn't make any sense at all like I thought I was going to create my own fantasy world or something like when u see a war vet have flashbacks of war in movies or something. But I had another disturbing thought at the therapist office what if I lost control of my emotions like cry for no reason at all just lose control of all my emotins im starting to think I dont have an anxiety disorder anymore

jon mike
05-13-2011, 01:32 AM
Hey, sounds to me like you have absolute classic anxiety symptoms

05-15-2011, 11:02 AM
Hi boxer1. Jon mike is right. You are suffering from the classic anxiety fear of 'losing control'. This is erntirely normal.
I literally dread going into a review with my boss and I think to myself...'Oh my god. Im just going to burst out crying now for no reason and he is going to think I am a total crazy person'. It's horrible because I cant conentrate on what he is saying to me. Now I just try to distract myself as much as possible when I am in there. Horribe. But you can be assured that it is just your exhausted mind playing tricks on you. Happy to try and help as much as possible.