View Full Version : over and over

05-10-2011, 08:55 PM
I am so fed up. i have been trying so hard to over come anxiety med free for the past 2 1/2 years. i feel absolutely horrible now days. I have every night migraines daily depersonalization and my stress is steaming out of my ears. I just don't know what to do anymore. My kids are suffering more and more and i am hurting more and more. Heart palps scare the shit out of me. I am constantly lightheaded and now i have gotten lazy. i am either on the computer watching TV or playing x box. i go to school online but the only time i really have a kid free time to do it is at night and of course i cant because of my headaches. everytime i get up to do something i feel my heart beating faster and faster. which makes me anxious. i know thats what my heart is supposed to do. Damnit i should even be worrying about any of this crap because i am only 26 and have 2 girls that need my attention they need there mommy. I have applied for temporary disability because i cannot drive or even begin to function in society. im so pissed and ready to give in to some type of medication. i am terrified of meds and wont even take anything for allergies. well sorry but i had to let it out. dont really feel better about it either.

05-11-2011, 03:22 PM
Have you ever tried herbal tea? I know your probably saying, what...she's crazy. But there is a tea made by a company called Yogi tea. Its sold in stores and online. I have one called bedtime and one called stress relief. They both work wonders. If you find it on line they have comments other people make about the tea and how it has helped them. Give it a try.

05-11-2011, 11:09 PM
Thanks for the reply.....I would have to plug my nose though I hate tea ewww.....anyway there any side effects

05-11-2011, 11:40 PM
I just wanna say I can relate to what ur going thru. Ive tried going thru this battle wthout meds before and its hard. Ive always had Xanax as a safety precaution. I relate to ur scares of heart palps. That is one of my fears that increases my anxiety. I also know its good for ur heart to get exercise and beat that way, but I cant help but feel worried when it does. My anxiety has made my exercise routine dim, as Im afraid to do to much. It also keeps me from doing outdoor activities with my son. Sometimes I take a Xanax to play with my son, and the fast heart rate still freaks me out. Im also at the point where I have to take a Xanax to go grocery shopping, or any kind of shopping. Im fed up with it to, I decided to give in and im gonna try the script Prozac for a couple months. After that my plan is to do it med free. Gonna try this "Linden Method" I been reading about. Its risk free. So might as well. All I know is i dont want this to keep me from playing with my son and exercise anymore...

So just keep the faith, theres something that will help u, and there are people out here who feel what u feel. You'll be ok. And btw, my mother suggested tea to me awhile back, and it is relieving, and if its herbal, theres no side effects. Good luck, and god bless.

05-12-2011, 04:00 PM

I found the Linden method to be very helpful to me!!!