View Full Version : May 21, 2011 Jesus coming?

05-10-2011, 10:00 AM
Well its here again. The saying of Jesus coming May 21. 2011. And world ending Oct 2011. I would like to hear thoughts on this subject. I beleive no one knows but God what do all of you think?

07-11-2011, 02:41 PM
Nobody knows the day or the hour when Jesus will come back, it says in the bible, even Jesus doesn't know, only God. But i do know that it's any day now, you can see the signs.

07-11-2011, 05:46 PM
Dont believe what Harold or what ever his name is had to say, Jesus DIDNT come when he said in 1995 and he didnt come in May and it surely isnt going to come true in October also