View Full Version : Need help!

05-08-2011, 01:37 PM
Does anybody else suffer with this? Recently over the past 2 months i have felt really restless and fidgety and i cant keep my legs still when im in bed because they feel like they are numb and its really starting to piss me off.

Because today i woke up and my legs really felt sore even though in my sleep i know for a fact i dont kick or move because i would be full of bruises as i sleep next to a wall and i would probably kick that so that would wake me up

Also, My head feels really messed up. Its like i have a huge weight on my mind and conscious, also when i think about things hard i just get worse and my head feels really tight. I have had anxiety since august 2010 and i feel really sick to my stomach recently aswell but im still eating and i still enjoy my meals, i just basically feel like shit.

Any help would be great!

05-08-2011, 02:09 PM
What you have is RLS...restless leg symptom./I have had this for many years. Eat a banana before bed or have some magnisium. Anxiety disorder cause many head probblems, pressure, feels like it is swollen, eyes go crazy, cant watch TV to good etc. It all comes with the disorder sorry to say. Just accept it, dont fight it and go on with you life as well as you can. The more you ignore it you will see it will go away.


05-08-2011, 02:58 PM
I dont think i have restless leg syndrome...i just get random leg aches on occasions but the head pressure and feeling like shit is really annoying me now because i feel so down its unreal.

Also my whole body feels fidgety like i said and restless.

The 1 thing i want to go away is the feeling down and feeling sick because its ruining my life basically, AND I CANT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT EVEN WHEN I TRY TO!

05-08-2011, 04:28 PM
I really understand what your goin through with being fed up with feeling sick and down. I've got an anxiety disorder and feel sick all day everyday and also have a fear of feeling sick. Recently I have been trying out self help programmes and it does actually seem to be helping a bit. Give it a try. The more you try to stop thinking about it, the more you WILL think about it. I also feel very restless in the day, got no advise for that though I'm afraid. Going for a consultation soon for hypnosis, hoping that will make it all go away. Really hope you feel better soon :)

05-08-2011, 09:12 PM
Thanks, i dont think i will feel better anytime soon though lol as my mind is fucked up. I'm not sure if i need to see a shrink or not or if i need to be on tablets because im willing to try anything to make it all go away so i can be myself again, because these past 3 months have been the hardest in my short life

05-09-2011, 04:53 AM
I know what you mean, feels like its never gonna end dosnt it. Doctor prescribed me citalapram (anti depresants) couple of months ago, only took 2 doses and stopped, the side effects were soo bad. Past few months have been the worst for me too, I'm only 21 so want to be living life! The self help seems to be helping with the panic anxiety attacks.

05-09-2011, 05:14 AM
Pills are not the answer. Believe me I know. It made me so worse and then trying to get off of them was just a double whack in the head, made everthing so bad I was in bed for months knowing I was going to die. Like Belle also found out, it makes it worse. Yes, I would see someone to talk to. Sometimes just a person who will listen, and not say take this and see me in a month, is the best thing for you. You are so young, take it from a person who has years on you that things will get better, just hang in there. I know its not the answer you are looking for but this is not a quick fix problem. It takes time and a strong person to get thru this.Please see someone who will listen to you, it may make a world of difference.

Love to you,

05-09-2011, 09:22 PM
What are the side effects & also do you think i have depression? I'd prefer to have the side effects over this bullshit anyday lol

05-10-2011, 05:10 AM
Side effects I experienced with citalapram were
- hot flushes
-uncontrollable shaking
-nausea (the worst ever!)
-racing heart
-excessive sweating
-night sweats
-nightmares (when I finally got to sleep that is!)
-muscle tension

It made my anxiety so much worse. I only took 2 doses but these side effects carried on for days after. Because of my fear of feeling sick I had to stop them. Its whether you can cope through the side effects, works for some people. I'm never going near them again that's for sure! Felt like I'd taken a dodgy street drug! I'd say try the self help route first.
Hope this helps

05-10-2011, 01:45 PM
i think i could cope with some of them symptoms lol, especially the sweating because i sweat quite alot lol and i did even before i got anxiety. I just cant belive how much it has taken over my life and it has also ruined my life and im only 18!

05-10-2011, 02:56 PM
If you decide to go ahead with the meds I really hope it works out for you :)

05-10-2011, 03:00 PM
If you decide to go ahead with the meds I really hope it works out for you :)

05-10-2011, 03:48 PM
i think it would work for me, because its getting to that point now were i cant be arsed living my life basically anymore and i never used to be like that and i feel down most of the time.

05-10-2011, 03:49 PM
I think pills are just a bandade. It just covers over the problem instead of getting to the root of the problem. All I know is how it backfired on me and made my life so much worse. but a person has to find out for themselves, i only pray it works out for you.

05-10-2011, 04:39 PM
Good luck. Here to chat whenever your feeling rubbish and down :)

05-11-2011, 08:57 AM
Hi mike,
I cant offer much advice to you but I know that knowing someone else is in the same situation always helps. I've been feeling similar to you. I've dealt with anxiety for a few years now and I know how debilitating it can be...I'm 18 too and I just feel like it's unfair. It's so hard to explain to people how it is living life believing every stomach ache is an ulcer, every ache is cancer, every time my eyes hurt it means my senses are degrading :(
It's terrible. I'm experiencing it worse now and I've lost all motivation like you I guess. But I also have major mood changes, which I've heard comes with the territory, so I plucked the courage to make an appointment at the doctors during a high mood. I don't even know if this is anxiety. I'm probably over exaggerating and wasting everyone's time but we're all here for you!

05-11-2011, 02:11 PM
I find it so sad that our youg people have to go thru this. As I read post on this forum I see alot of you are young and it breaks my heart. I have been there and truly know what you are going thru. I layed in bed or sat on the sofa for over 2 years never going out cause I feared the outdoors, feared people,but most of all feared myself and what would happen if i went out. The pain in my body and feeling like i lived in a fish bowl never stopped and I found out the hard way it was cause I gave in to the drugs. If I had only faced the panic and anxiety I would have not suffered so much. Our world now is nothing but drug pushers saying all can be good if we would take this or that drug. We as a world have made the world so hard on our young people. They dont know which way to turn and they are afraid. I want to hold them when they shake on the inside, have pain that no one can explain, eyes that hurt, heart that racs for no reason and most of all looking for answers that no one has. Mike, you and all the young adults here are brave people. You are going thru something that would break any powerful man. Be proud of yourselves for you are braver then you will ever know.

05-11-2011, 02:31 PM
Today i have actually felt ok..for the first time in a long while, what annoys me is that im 18 and i was doing a college course last year then in august 2010 i just got hit with chest pain and breathing difficulties then after that i just became down and i couldnt be bothered with anything.

And i used to work out and play football but now i cant as im scared i will have a heart attack and everytime i do a slight move i get pain in random places because i am that weak in my mind and my body has just lost all strenght so the anxiety has finished me off really

05-11-2011, 02:59 PM
Mike, it has not finished you. Stop saying that. What the mouth says the body believes. You have to be positive if you aren't then its all down hill from there. Aren't you worth fighting for? I would say yes! You have to dig deep inside you and find that fight that will pull you out of this mess. Never, never give up, fight and fight some more. GET MAD!!! Throw things, hit pillows, stir up the fire inside of you. I know you have it, i have faith in you and you will make it!

05-11-2011, 04:56 PM
well i used to work out to get my rage out but i, rarely angry lol. But now this huge pressure in my head is just making me feel ill. To be honest i dont think i have full on depression i think its just slight depression were i feel like shit but then happy. I might go to the doctors next week because i thought this would go away (the mental feelings etc) but i think its getting worse day by day.

I'm also mentally blocked as in i cant get a boner lol, and that is really scary as i have been having alot of action before i had anxiety with women and i know for a fact i am not gay lol.

I can cope with the breathing and chest pains but when the mental factors hit me damn it has effected me so badly because im analyzing things way more than i used to and i know there is something wrong there.

05-11-2011, 05:30 PM
I agree with Nikita, the body does believe what the mouth tells it. You can get through it, hope I can too! Try to stay positive, easier said than done I know but it does help :)

05-11-2011, 11:43 PM
Everyday its getting harder and harder. i think i need to see a shrink

05-12-2011, 07:47 AM
You need tosee a psycologist. Someone you can talk to face to face and someone you dont know. It can help so much. Mike, i know how hard it is I have lived this hell for years and just now am making head way cause I gave in to the fear knowing it will not hurt me. I also talk back to the feelings say, " I know you can t hurt me so do what you want...I am living my life and also my body will not accept this fear." Talk to the fear, tell it to go back to hell from wence it came. Get your mind on othe things. And here is just a suggestion...when in a relasionship with someone, dont think about you. Think about pleasing them, make it all about them and put you out of the picture. Before you know it your body will scream..."Let me enjoy this to, I want a piece of this action." Just make life about other things and other people and dont consentrate on you. Easier ssaid then done? Right but I have been thrru it and I know of what I speak.

05-12-2011, 10:42 AM
im so tired of having this anxiety

05-12-2011, 08:42 PM
I think today i had my personal best without feeling like shit, it was about 6 hours then the pressure in my head started, also the dizziness has returned today and that went months ago.

How can i look forward to anything anymore..this has basically ruined my life as i said i cant even love a woman because this is blocking me mentally i'd probably have to be drunk 24/7 before i could actually make love to a woman because atm its like shooting pool with a rope. I spoke to my friend who had anxiety for 3 years and he is 18 like myself and he said he grew out of it and wanted to kill himself it was that bad and i know for a fact he has lived a hard life but i just want it to go!! because if i got close to a girl and they wanted to fuck me basically what can i say? "Ermm i have anxiety and i cant get a boner or have feelings for you" she would probably laugh and i would look a huge twat.

I'm happy i have found this forum anyway because people on here suffer the same stuff, but i think i have mild anxiety because now when i have chest pain and stuff on rare occasions i know exactly what it is, unlike in august when i thought i was going to die.. i still get scared when i get chest pain because it has stopped me playing football as im scared i will have a massive heart attack and my heart beats quite quickly.