View Full Version : need help, im scared of doing stressful things

05-06-2011, 12:31 PM
hey guys

im having abit of trouble, im scared of doing stressful things

what i mean by this is before all of my anxiety started, i was dancing like 4 times a week but now im struggling to go once/twice a week because my dancing is very stressful and im scared that if i do anything stressful then my anxiety will go through the roof

im also scared of doing other stressful things, like playing video game atc, just anything that i feel will stress me out.

i could just avoid all these things but thats not how i wanna live my life,
is there anything i can do?


05-06-2011, 04:31 PM
Hey richy,

I have had similar problems myself. Also when you mention the video game thing, I can sympathise in the sense that I have lost my taste for any film/tv show other than comedies! Anything like a horror movie, or anything serious, I know don't want to watch in case it triggers my anxiety, and in turn that gets me anxious!

Unfortunately it seems that the answer is the tough but simple one. It seems to be all about realising that your anxiety can't hurt you, and allowing yourself to be anxious if that happens. I have had this with things as simple as meeting friends and socialising. However, it if it helps, I have found that those things that I worry that will give me anxiety actually don't. So, you fear that your dancing will trigger your anxiety, and it might - but then again, it might not! You (like me) are not being controlled by your anxiety that actually exists, you are being controlled by anxiety that doesn't. The reality is probably nowhere near as bad as you fear!

Hope this helps.


05-06-2011, 04:43 PM
Hi Richy,
It all comes down to this. Your fear is whats causing your anxiety attacks. I know is very hard to do but you have to face those fears head on. You are more powerful then the fear. Like the old saying, You have nothing to fear but fear itself. I had panic that kept me home bound for many years. I was afraid that if I went out I would have an attack. Well it made me worse, I became a person who never left home for nothing, lost my friends, family members and ruined a marriage. Then one day I said to hell with thhis! If I have an attack so be it. Well I would get dizzy, sweating but I pushed myself and after awhile it became more and more easier. We have to concore our fears or it will eat us up alive.
I really feel for you being in this situation but it can be controled. Just do alittle at a time , baby steps, and you will come out a winner, I promise.
