View Full Version : Just need to talk

05-04-2011, 01:52 AM
I am 22 years old, I suffer from anxiety and depression and my psychiatrist and I believe it is due to a borderline personality disorder. I seem to be worse at night, when I don't really have anyone to talk to. I feel like waking up my boyfriend or calling up my best friend or sisters is a burden on them. Then I feel really alone and all I want is someone who can listen to me and not judge me. I'm hoping I can find that here.

05-04-2011, 07:19 AM
Hey, I'm 18 and kinda understand where you're coming from. My anxiety and bad moods get a lot worse at night, and push me to do and think silly things. But it's a vicious circle because my self-destructive thoughts scare me even more and then more anxiety sets in. I just don't know how to take my mind off of it without starving myself or just sleeping. I'm so scared this is gonna turn into something bigger and drive my life into s bad place. I'm scared of not sleeping and going mental.
I just needed to talk too, I hope you're feeling better.
Jase x

jon mike
05-08-2011, 02:36 AM
If you need to talk and from the uk? why not try goin to 'changes' it's a charity organisation throughout England for anxiety/depression sufferers, there's loads of meetings, type changes mental health in google you'll find it, I've been to a few, it's not what people think, some really good people who attend these, normal people who just have a few problems, end of! Most just wanna talk, some that just wanna sit there and listen, it's a good chilled out atmosphere honest, worth a try Lexie! Jon

05-08-2011, 05:08 AM
You could also see if there are any kinds of groups on meetup.com in your area for people suffering from depression/anxiety. Generally, the groups are either free or want only a nominal donation to help pay for the account on meetup.com. Of course, as with any kind of group, mileage can vary. But I actually REALLY like the social anxiety group I joined a couple of months back. It's certainly worth a try.

05-08-2011, 07:27 AM
well lexie i look at this site all the time and i will respond. so if you feel the need to let out some frustrations. I will be watching, not in a spooky way :).