View Full Version : I'm fed up of my Anxiety stopping me...

05-03-2011, 11:57 PM
I know that I'm not alone in having my Anxiety stopping me doing the things that I would want to do. I just read down the list of symtoms and most of mine are the fear based ones, throw in paranoia linked to de-realisation and you get to where I'm at.

I've always dreamed of working in a particular Asian country but its hard to get work there (language issues). I have received a job offer there and have to let them know this week. I'd be going with my wife.

I've been travelling a couple of times previously and have had to return home early due to massive anxiety episodes. I'm afraid of moving away and getting the same thing but the problem would be that i would be able to come home easily, no job at home etc etc.

Some of the best methods of dealing with anxiety is learning about how you're not alone and how there are a kazillion other people who can empathise. I was wondering if any of you had confronted your anxiety head on to do something you've always dreamed of doing and succeeded? It would be great to hear from you.

My plan was to research the support network that there is in the country to see what would be available to me to help me get through it there.

Anyway I'm going to start to ramble here to I'll leave it there. Would be great to hear from you

06-02-2011, 06:48 AM
hello all. I would like to say that I have a similar problem of which I've had since 2008 and it's only getting worse.

my problem is kind of funny and strange at the same time, firstly, I'm 18 of age. I know for a fact I have separation anxiety from my mother, I get nervous when she has to goto a doctors appointment or something in the morning, I have to make sure I'm up and I go with her, Although all is fine if I'm alseep and she goes and I'm not aware she is going. the other part of my problem is that I have to keep a bottle of water with me at all times, otherwise my throat goes dry and I go into a panic attack and need to get to some form of liquid fast. This makes it hard for me to get a job which I really want, I can't goto friends or anything as I get highly worried and I'm not sure what over, Even when I go into shopping centers I have to take water with me, and even at that I'm very nervous.

I don't tell anyone about the issue I've had for a while, but I think afew family members can guess what's going on.
Thought I would share some of my problems, maybe I can get some help from it. thanks.

06-04-2011, 02:34 PM
I went to work in South Korea to teach English in the 90's and some of my anxiousness actually began there. I didn't recognize it as that at the time, but now I feel I would be better prepared to deal with it. Just having the Internet and the immediate support group of online "helpers" I think can help you get through it. Good luck!

06-04-2011, 04:11 PM

Forwells already wrote you not to run from your fear. I know it's easier said than done, and I'm glad you realise that you can deal with the anxiety.

As someone who's let anxiety rule my life, I want you to keep that bravery going. You know the longer you're exposed to anxiety, the more likely it is to lessen. Therefore you need to live with the fear. No coming back early.

Yes, it would be lovely to have something to fall back on, in terms of a job and the home you have. The thing is, life is about taking chances sometimes and whether a person has been diagnosed with anxiety or not, they're going to worry about the same things to some degree.

Oh, I know it's not going to be easy, but people with anxiety do succeed in life. I wrote a thread in the 'introduction' section of this site asking site members the same thing. I needed to know, so I could take full responsibility about what I was unable to do in my life. Read it, and know you will succeed too.

Best of luck.