View Full Version : Hi, new here

05-03-2011, 10:18 PM
Hello all, my name is Paul and I have been suffering from anxiety for a number of years. My anxiety is usually brought on by a constant worry that something is seriously wrong with my health. In the past 3 months i have convinced myself that I have had throat cancer, stomach cancer, and liver disease. To the point where i begin having panic attacks. I have been to the ER numerous times in the past year for fear i was having a heart attack or something else. Sometimes i think im going crazy and im the only person who feels like this! Normally when i begin worrying about something i start developing the actual physical symptoms of whatever it is that I was worrying about, i will even get short of breath, and self exam parts of my body so much that it gets sore. Im joining this community because i just want to have an outlet and not feel like a nut job because everyone around me is normal :P Thanks for listening.

05-03-2011, 10:50 PM
hi paul, trust me you are not alone. I have this problem as well. i get these chest tightness that sometimes makes me think ok this is it. even though im 31 and my dr. has me on a bp med because my anxiety not because i have persistant high bp. i checked when im at a rite aid pharmacy and its always at normal levels. so i have realised that alot of the chest tightness is because of my anxiety because as soon as i take a klonopin poof like magic it goes away. Also, i have done all test and everything is ok. maybe if you have not done so. go to your general practitioner and get a physical. it will put ur mind at ease about your health if the dr. says everything is fine. i can tell you this anxiety can produce countless symptoms anywhere in the body. its crazy how your mind can develop a symptom just by you focusing on it.

05-04-2011, 10:34 PM
Yeah its crazy. I took your advice and went in yesterday and got a full lab work done. . . now im panicking about the results becaue I dont get them back till tomorrow. I am on Klonopin too, works like magic. They also put me on a daily regiment o Celexa, which i did not like how it made me feel. Im really glad im not the only one acting like this

05-05-2011, 03:56 PM
well thats good. hope everything comes out negative.

05-05-2011, 04:15 PM
so i have been dealing with anxiety since i was 3 years old always thinking there was something wrong or that i was going to die. i had been constantly going to doctors and having them tell me there was nothing wrong and i wouldn't believe them.

until recently i had a panic attack and since then i have been in this feeling of constant worry and feeling like im in a dream or that i do not exist

when i speak to people all i can imagine is what they can see from their eyes or wondering if they can trully see what i see.
its quite debilitating

i just want a break from all this worry, no i want to give it up i do not want to worry anymore.

please help i so desperately need hope.