View Full Version : Anyone feel the same

10-15-2006, 10:01 PM
My name is Kayla I'm 18 years old and i started noticing heart palpitations after i started birth control. over time it worsened and about 5 months into the use of it i had an anxiety attack. My heart was racing i couldnt calm down and i couldn't breathe. I was positive that I was going to die. I've had them ever since. after about 4 months of having them i was able to go back to doin what i like to do generally without having them. but, about two months ago they came back. a few days before hand though i could just feel this uncomfortableness in my chest all the time, like i could feel my heart and it didnt feel normal. ive had an ekg done and it came back normal. for the past two weeks ive had what feels like added beats or somting to that effect. I'm scared to eat alot of things, to exercise, to go anywhere. I just need help.

10-20-2006, 09:03 AM
My name is Kayla I'm 18 years old and i started noticing heart palpitations after i started birth control. over time it worsened and about 5 months into the use of it i had an anxiety attack. My heart was racing i couldnt calm down and i couldn't breathe. I was positive that I was going to die. I've had them ever since. after about 4 months of having them i was able to go back to doin what i like to do generally without having them. but, about two months ago they came back. a few days before hand though i could just feel this uncomfortableness in my chest all the time, like i could feel my heart and it didnt feel normal. ive had an ekg done and it came back normal. for the past two weeks ive had what feels like added beats or somting to that effect. I'm scared to eat alot of things, to exercise, to go anywhere. I just need help.

Hey Kayla. My name is Donna and I am 24 years old, I started getting palps. about 3 years ago when I was just starting out on paxil. I started having panic attacks in 2002 shortly after a traumatic car accident. I was working at a gas station, ringing someone up when I got this tingling sensation throughout my body like a vibration ( hard to explain ), I was feeling flushed and seriously thought I was dying. I called 911 and one of my customers helped me calm down and by the time the ambulance came I was fine, a little shakened up but okay enough to function. After that I was getting them back to back to back and each one scared the sh*t out of me. Within the years the attacks calmed down but I get one once in awhile when I am at peak in my anxiety, here recently I have been having my palps again and taking way too much notice in my heart... I find myself checking my pulse way to much throughout the day. I also feel the uncomfortable feelings in the chest. I have been feeling more head pressure too. Your defiently not alone but if your really concerned about it you might want to talk to your Dr. about it. If you need anyone to talk to feel free to e-mail or IM me.