View Full Version : Confused and Need Advice Please!

05-02-2011, 07:37 PM
I'm 24 yrs old and I've been at my first out of college job for nearly a year now. I think I've maybe always had anxiety (I've always worried a lot about things), but it's always been manageable.

In high school I would sometimes get a little bit depressed at times, but I think every teenager is like that ;) In college I was depressed A LOT of the time. My freshman year I'm positive I was clinically depressed. It was a horrible, awful time for me. I managed to beat it just on my own. I ended up seeing a counselor one summer a couple years later, but I don't think it really helped much.

Sometimes now I still get depressed, but I notice it mainly happens around my period. I told my doctor this, and she said she could prescribe me an anti-anxiety medication I can take the week or two leading up to my period.

The thing is, I also think I might need it in general. Last year I was still in school. I work in health care so I had to do an internship (and classes) in a city about an hour from my college. I quickly made some nice friends, and despite all the academic stress I had, I really was truly happy for the first time in a long time! However, this year is different. I really hate my job (extremely repetitive and boring) , I've lost touch with my friends from both last year and college in general, and I am bored a lot of the time. I also miss my family (and my close group of high school friends), which is about 4 hours away.

I'm tired ALL the time, I have no motivation to do anything even though I WANT to do things, I'm hungry all the time, and I can't sleep!! I was prescribed Ambien, but it doesn't help much. All I do is think about how much I hate my job and other things when I go to bed. No matter how tired I am I just can't sleep. When I do fall asleep, I wake up in the middle of the night. Sometimes my heart is beating really fast and I feel scared for no reason. Sometimes I also get these weird nightmares where I know I am sleeping, but I can't move my body or open up my eyes. I hear really weird noises and I feel like sometime evil is in the room. Even though I know it's not real, it scares me so much I always have to sleep with the light on after it happens!!

Anyway, it feels good to get all that off my chest. What I was really wondering is if I should start taking an anti-anxiety/depression medication? My doctor sounded like she would prescribe me Prozac since she says it is easier than Zoloft to come off of.

I'm trying to improve things by trying to exercise more, and I've also begun applying for other jobs.

05-03-2011, 04:06 PM
Hello, hope u feel better soon! Couple of months ago I had the symptoms that u described but with a few others too. But in the the past month its just got worse and worse to the extent that I havnt left the house in 3 weeks! Going to see a psychologist and maybe hypnosis very soon. Its strange you say about the evil in your room, I too have this! So glad its not just me! I get really paranoid about it!

05-04-2011, 07:25 AM
This is insane. I'm so glad I found this because I have similar feelings of evil - like randomly at any point in the day I'll get extremely anxious that something is dooming me, or that there is something else there. I moved out of my old room because it was just too scary. If it happens in the car I have to stop driving for shakes and feelings that someone will jump in front of my car or something.
Sometimes I'm so happy and in control, but it will take something small or even nothing and I feel myself going totally downhill. I feel like I'm in two worlds sometimes. I have no idea what to do...I don't want to lose myself.