View Full Version : New and looking for advice :)

05-02-2011, 08:21 PM
Hello all! I'm really glad I found this forum because I'm really needing some advice/support. Some background info...it's a little confusing and long, but if anyone can comment I'd appreciate it :)

I'm 24 yrs old and I've been at my first out of college job for nearly a year now. I think I've maybe always had anxiety, but it's always been manageable.

In high school I would sometimes get a little bit depressed at times, but I think ever teenager does :) In college I was depressed a lot of the time. My freshman year I'm positive I was clinically depressed. It was a horrible, awful time for me. I managed to beat it just on my own. I ended up seeing a counselor one summer a couple years later, but I don't think it really helped much.

Sometimes now I still get depressed, but I notice it mainly happens around my period. I told my doctor this, and she said she could prescribe me an anti-anxiety medication I can take the week or two leading up to my period.

The thing is, I also think I might need it in general. Last year I was still in school. I work in health care so I had to do an internship (and classes) in a city about an hour from my college. I quickly made some nice friends, and despite all the academic stress I had, I really was truly happy for the first time in a long time! However, this year is different. I really hate my job, I've lost touch with my friends from both last year and college in general, and I am bored a lot of the time. I also miss my family (and my close group of high school friends), which is about 4 hours away.

I'm tired ALL the time, I have no motivation to do anything even though I WANT to do things, I'm hungry all the time, and I can't sleep!! I was prescribed Ambien, but it doesn't help much. All I do is think about how much I hate my job and other things when I go to bed. No matter how tired I am I just can't sleep.

Anyway, it feels good to get all that off my chest. What I was really wondering is if I should start taking an anti-anxiety/depression medication? My doctor sounded like she would prescribe me Prozac since she says it is easier than Zoloft to come off of.

Thanks so much :) Sorry this was long....

05-02-2011, 11:26 PM
it doesn't sound like you have an anxiety problem but more of a depression problem. I would suggest seeing a therapist if you can get one. maybe your just lonely. it happens especially when you so far away from everyone you know. just becareful wit taking drugs only do it if you feel like really really bad and you losing hope. drugs can be the bigger issue then the anxiety or depression if you let it be,but alsothey can be very helpful. just dont rush it into it try other alternatives first. hope this helps

05-03-2011, 06:49 AM
I think you should look for some friendly like minded groups to spend some time with. It will make you feel good and for sure give you some guidance with issues concerning your life that is making you feel anxiety etc.

It is better to avoid medication than to meditation in such cases.