View Full Version : Hello everyone

05-01-2011, 04:29 PM
HI. I basically have struggled with anxiety my whole life, and no one knows it. I realize that I shouldn't keep this a secret, but that is what I feel comfortable with.

I am 42 and my anxiety seems to be getting slightly worse. I have never taken medication, a personal choice of mine, ...but have to exercise every day to keep my anxiety in check. Lately, I have not been able to do this.

Also, I am not sure if anyone else has experienced this: I cannot handle caffeine AT ALL. I used to like drinking coffee and tea. About when I turned 33 or 34, I had to really start watching this. Even one cup of coffee and a trigger like a normal storm moving in, could freak me out!

Anyway, I was doing well, but recently, as I said, have not been able to exercise as much. Plus, I started upping my caffeine. Why would I do this when I know where it leads? I have no idea.

I mostly wanted to meet some people who experience this weird phenomenon of freaking out so badly over weird triggers. :) I have never told anyone these things, preferring to deal with it on my own. But, things like a machine running loudly, someone setting off fireworks, watching a scary movie, a storm (nothing dangerous), reading about a disease, etc. will set me off sometimes! I have to really watch my thoughts or I get this creepy anxiety and fear come over me. A sense of impending doom will come over me, and I feel like something awful is about to happen.

Also, I need some support. And, I need some accountability on my coffee drinking! Am I alone in this? Caffeine is a big no-no for this girl.

Does anyone have any none med tips that work for them? I am not opposed to meds AT ALL, just not what I want to do right now.

Anyway, I would love to meet new people and hear any other comments.

05-01-2011, 06:53 PM
Its too bad that you're unable to exercise as much. I found out after years of not exercising that it REALLY does help anxiety! My doctor told me that yoga also helps. I found this great program online that guides you through a yoga routine and it only takes about 20 minutes. Having an online program that you can do in your home without anyone watching is great. I would never go to a class myself.
I don't have the problem with caffeine (it actually has the opposite effect on me), but my mother is 51, has anxiety, and she has the same issue as you. Unfortunately her solution to that is just to complete avoid it. She drinks diet caffeine free soda. She too used to love drinking coffee.
I guess my advice would be to try and find a yoga program that's enjoyable and short, and maybe try skipping the caffeine.
I understand what you mean about the meds. I went over 20 years telling myself that I wasn't going to try it, and then I did. I'll admit that they definitely help, but after being on them and then off them (due to medical issues) that they really were just disguising the problem (for me anyways). Maybe its worth a try for you. I would suggest Celexa as a start. However, this one (as most of them are) is famous for significant weight gain in some people.
Good luck!

PS: I went most of my life without telling anyone about my anxiety issues because I was afraid and I thought there was something wrong with me, but once I opened up to people about it I found things to be a lot easier.