View Full Version : Anxiety Disorder Perhaps?

04-30-2011, 12:57 AM
Okay, well this is the first time I have ever posted on a health forum. So forgive the bluntness if I do appear to be.

First off, I'm a 16 year old male, in my 2nd last year of high school. People say 'Oh it's the busiest time of your life very stressful' blah blah blah. But it never really worries me, I just know I have to get on with what I need to do in order to succeed.
Easier said than done.

I recently took a few of these online tests about anxiety related disorders. On most I scored a 6.3 / 10 to 8.4 /10. And suggested I seek help soon.

I've heard from others what people might say about me... Handsome, intelligent but not arrogant, very kind, high levels of confidence, and everyone seems to like me.
But that isn't how I feel at all...

I don't have a bad life. I wasn't beaten by my parents, they never took drugs, I was never introduced at school to 'The wrong crowd.' So I can't imagine what it could be, but a lot of the time I feel INCREDIBLY Nervous.
I cant stand:
-Walking through a crowd.
-Walking along a highway.
-Walking next to people that are older than me (Just teens)
-Putting my hand up in class
-Speaking my mind.
And a lot more.

Just today, I was in a usual science lesson... and I stuck my hand up to give the teacher an answer, already my heart was pumping, my hands were sweaty, and once I gave the answer I felt my heart beat even faster, and I felt a hotness in my chest
And this happens all the time I try voice my answer/opinion to the teacher.

Walking in crowds... scares the absolute s**t out of me. I tend to come to school at the last second so no one is around. And I can quickly pop into class without people staring at me.

Highways and Motorways? Even streets in town? Forget it.

I can't stand the thought of people looking at me. Pointing and laughing from their cars, or from the sidewalk. Its unbearable D;
I usually avoid traffic lights where you push the button so you can walk across the road, and even if it takes an extra twenty minutes to get home... you can bet I'll take that road.

And if someone snaps at me!? I will think about it for the whole day why they did, and I feel like absolute S***. Whats weird if that I always seem to have a blank expression, for instance if someone is abusing me I'll sit there just nodding and half smiling, not caring at all. People will come up to me and say 'Hey, you handled that really really well, you didn't even say anything back, why do you always look so relaxed?

It's mostly teens I get really scared of. Im more comfortable talking with Adults. And older people. like 21 that kinda thing. But yeah... I finally decided to do something about it because I know this isn't good for me, and I'm sick of sitting here worrying all the time when I can do something about it!

Should I see someone? Or Is it just typical teenager anxiety.

05-01-2011, 04:32 PM
yeah it sounds like teenager stuff but it also can be the sign of something more serious. If you have a counselor in school you should seek some advise or someone to express this to. dont worry about the anxiety ratings as anyone that is having a bad week can experience alot of those things. if you feel its really bothering you and consuming your life then seek help fast. the quicker you deal with it the faster you will overcome it. hope this helps

05-01-2011, 07:18 PM
I would say it could go either way, normal teenage stuff or anxiety. I'm female/23 and a lot of what you said about high school has brought back memories of high school for me. I've been dealing with Generalized Anxiety Disorder my whole life and a lot of what you said kind of comes with the territory. I wouldn't immediately go running to a shrink, but perhaps talk with your doctor about it. Tell them exactly what you just told us, and they'll probably be able to give you a more professional opinion on the matter.
I was/still am the same way when it comes to talking to people my own age vs older adults. I don't think that's an anxiety thing. I've been told many times that it might just be a maturity thing. Maybe you're more "mature" than your peers and just find conversations with adults more engaging. Most of my friends are 10+ years older than me. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't know if you live in a smaller town or not, but if you do sometimes a coffee shop is a great place to meet people and eventually make friends. That's what I did, and now its my favorite hang out, and I feel very comfortable there.
Best of luck, dude. Being a teenager can be very hard sometimes, but you'll get through it eventually.

05-04-2011, 10:38 AM
It's nice to see another teen here. I'm 18 and male and have gone through everything you just said at high school. People said the same compliments about me too and I never believed them. It's gotten to the point where I had a panic attack and started thrashing myself against walls when someone said I was a really decent guy. If someone compliments me I automatically go into panic (what are they really after? Why are they blatantly lying to me?) I usually go red, laugh and walk off, otherwise I will panic more until the attack happens.
I never really had a problem with speaking my mind because I'm pretty opinionated. This is what makes us different I guess - I get frequent mood changes where I will be impatient, opinionated and angry. The next day I could turn back into an anxious mess and these are the days I don't want any social contact.
The pointing and laughing thing is a teen thing, most of my friends tell me they get the same. Anxiety will make this ten times worse, and if it starts disrupting your life, that's when to seek help.
I get extremely jumpy and on edge next to busy roads or in crowds...music concerts make me want to curl up and die. I have to stand where I can see the crowd. I hate loud noises, to the point where its debilitating.
I really hope your sort this out man, but don't rush to see someone. You can get through this, I promise. 16 years old was hell for me because I was confused and frustrated as well as battling an eating disorder, which also effected my anxiety. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger, and I know that's hard to hear when you believe everything is going to hurt you.

05-04-2011, 11:47 AM
I really understand what you r going through! One of my worst fears is getting on a bus with all those people, will do anything to avoid it or simple things like walking through town on my own. Feel like everyone is looking at me and I hate it! I wish I'd have got help straight away when I first started experiencing this. I say get some help with it now before and if it gets worse, that's the only advise I have I'm afraid.

05-06-2011, 05:47 AM
yeah you are right in such situations it is better to get it fixed the earlier the possible otherwise it can come destroying for the life.

05-11-2011, 01:51 AM
It's nice to see another teen here. I'm 18 and male and have gone through everything you just said at high school. People said the same compliments about me too and I never believed them. It's gotten to the point where I had a panic attack and started thrashing myself against walls when someone said I was a really decent guy. If someone compliments me I automatically go into panic (what are they really after? Why are they blatantly lying to me?) I usually go red, laugh and walk off, otherwise I will panic more until the attack happens.
I never really had a problem with speaking my mind because I'm pretty opinionated. This is what makes us different I guess - I get frequent mood changes where I will be impatient, opinionated and angry. The next day I could turn back into an anxious mess and these are the days I don't want any social contact.
The pointing and laughing thing is a teen thing, most of my friends tell me they get the same. Anxiety will make this ten times worse, and if it starts disrupting your life, that's when to seek help.
I get extremely jumpy and on edge next to busy roads or in crowds...music concerts make me want to curl up and die. I have to stand where I can see the crowd. I hate loud noises, to the point where its debilitating.
I really hope your sort this out man, but don't rush to see someone. You can get through this, I promise. 16 years old was hell for me because I was confused and frustrated as well as battling an eating disorder, which also effected my anxiety. What doesnt kill you makes you stronger, and I know that's hard to hear when you believe everything is going to hurt you.

I have never had the panic attack thing when I got a compliment, but I can relate to the jumpyness in crowds in things..
I appreciate the reply Dude :D

05-11-2011, 01:52 AM
I would say it could go either way, normal teenage stuff or anxiety. I'm female/23 and a lot of what you said about high school has brought back memories of high school for me. I've been dealing with Generalized Anxiety Disorder my whole life and a lot of what you said kind of comes with the territory. I wouldn't immediately go running to a shrink, but perhaps talk with your doctor about it. Tell them exactly what you just told us, and they'll probably be able to give you a more professional opinion on the matter.
I was/still am the same way when it comes to talking to people my own age vs older adults. I don't think that's an anxiety thing. I've been told many times that it might just be a maturity thing. Maybe you're more "mature" than your peers and just find conversations with adults more engaging. Most of my friends are 10+ years older than me. There's nothing wrong with that. I don't know if you live in a smaller town or not, but if you do sometimes a coffee shop is a great place to meet people and eventually make friends. That's what I did, and now its my favorite hang out, and I feel very comfortable there.
Best of luck, dude. Being a teenager can be very hard sometimes, but you'll get through it eventually.

Yeah, I was under the impression it could have been a maturity thing... but I just wanted to make sure..
Thankyou so much for replying (:

05-11-2011, 01:53 AM
I really understand what you r going through! One of my worst fears is getting on a bus with all those people, will do anything to avoid it or simple things like walking through town on my own. Feel like everyone is looking at me and I hate it! I wish I'd have got help straight away when I first started experiencing this. I say get some help with it now before and if it gets worse, that's the only advise I have I'm afraid.

You seem to have the same name as my girlfriend xD
Yeah I know ): It's truly horrible. It stops me from doing so much...
But I don't know whether or not to get help, I mean I would if I could but Im unfamiliar with costs and things like that to actually see someone.
Thanks for your reply though Belle (:

05-11-2011, 05:28 AM
I know what u mean, its hard to know where and how to get the help isn't it. I'm trying out the self help route at the month but also have a hypnosis consultation coming up as a last resort. If you told your doctor how you are feeling he might point you in the right direction :)