View Full Version : Sex Drive

04-29-2011, 04:15 PM
For about 7 weeks i have felt a low sex drive, e.g i cant get a boner over a woman anymore and im not gay as i have had many girlfriends lol. how can i get rid of this cloud over my head?

Also i know a woman is sexy but my mind just goes oh no, and it actually scares me abit now.

04-29-2011, 04:40 PM
ok mike i went thru this. My name is also mike so read carefully what im gonna tell you :) If you masterbate with any regularity you need to stop that asap. If anything when you feel like loving yourself do it but not to the point of ejaculation. almost like your teasing yourself. This will help you with arousel whether your anxious or not. Also, try not to drink too much before sex as it can work against you. If you not into 4 play you need to get into that as this will give you a chance to enjoy yourself aswell as get aroused better. Try not to look at sex as a performance based activity, just enjoy what your doing with your partner. This will help you to relax also the girl will appreciate the time your putting in the touchy department and will want to help you if you get soft. Hope this helps.

04-29-2011, 04:47 PM
For about 7 weeks i have felt a low sex drive, e.g i cant get a boner over a woman anymore and im not gay as i have had many girlfriends lol. how can i get rid of this cloud over my head?

Also i know a woman is sexy but my mind just goes oh no, and it actually scares me abit now.

Are you on any SSRI/SNRI antidepressants (Paxil, Zoloft, Lexapro, Prozac, Effexor etc)? These can DEFINITELY kill sex drive.

04-29-2011, 06:15 PM
Nope, not on any medication. Its so effing annoying because i dont have a girlfriend currently and even if i attempted to have sex with a girl i wouldnt be able to get hard and also i just wouldnt enjoy it. Isnt lack of sex drive a sign of depression?

04-29-2011, 07:44 PM
well some anti depressants like good old lexapro i hear gives you a side effect that you have trouble reaching an orgasm which i dont know who would complain about that. Its definitelly a psychological think because i have taken a klonopin and had sex ride after with no problem and they say it takes your sex drive away. Depression can definitely kill your sex drive so that can be a possibility but consider what i posted earlier. i got those tips from some research i did.

04-30-2011, 12:00 AM
I'm only 18 lol, which makes it even worse i think because im so young. i dont feel i have the symptoms of depression.

04-30-2011, 11:15 AM
Going through the same thing..i have a gf..i can get it up but i can't climax..it's like things are going OK but my minds just not in it..like i'm so into thinking about if i'm going to climax and then i start thinking "WTF ARE YOU THINKING DURING SEX YOU NEVER USED TO DO THAT" all while i'm thrusting like a mad man but still not much enjoyment.

i then get so tired that i just burn out...wtf is this because of depression or anxiety or both? Another thing that doesn't get me that used to always get me is watching porn.

Porn doesn't excite me and it's not because i've watched too much of it it's because of the same thought process happens watching porn as having sex i just can't get into anything.

It's been like this for a few months now and it's pissing me right off and making me feel like not a man..i've lost so much self esteem/confidence cuz of this bullshit that i don't even know how to start building that back lol

04-30-2011, 01:16 PM
Even if i shagged like a mad man i wouldnt get any pleasure at all lol, are you now thinking about the anxiety while trying to come?

04-30-2011, 01:52 PM
well it looks like maybe your sex drive is low because of the emotionaly issues your having. it happens. but dont stress too much about it because you only 18 so its not any physical problem its more mental. youll get over it.

04-30-2011, 02:35 PM
i hope so lol, its soooo fucking annoying its unreal i just want it too go