View Full Version : Please Help Horrible Hypochondriac Anxiety!!!

04-27-2011, 09:32 PM
Hi, any help at all will be greatly appreciated! I've had horrible health anxiety all my life (usually convince myself I have something extremely unpleasant and fatal, no comment). However, in recent years I've managed to cope with it ok, except when I am stressed. Recently, have been very stressed with work, and also my youngest son is going overseas for a year, and I have been really worried about him. I am also pre menopausal. Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, a person who I have met once or twice, got diagnosed with an extremely aggressive cancer, and was dead in a week; she went from feeling tired one day to hospital to dead.

Now this has really really really freaked me out, and I can't stop thinking about it. The worst part was that someone said she must have had cancer for years, but then had a bad reaction to a flu shot, and this "kicked it off". I also had a flu shot, so freaked out even more (though didn't have a bad reaction, but have had neck and shoulder pain and sciatica for weeks). That horrible feeling of, I can only describe it as, dread. Now I am having palpitations, hot flushes, waking up in the middle of the night and not able to get back to sleep; worse neck and back pain, and to boot, I have come down with a bad cold/sinus infection. The worst bit is, I can't concentrate, and have lost my appetite, and have lost half a kilo...which normally I would be ecstatic about, but this morning I stood on the scale and was horrified...because, as all true hypochondriacs know, weight loss can be a symptom of all sorts of dreadful diseases (and of course, of anxiety!)

Now, I am *almost* certain this is just anxiety (as I am perfectly healthy, have recently had normal blood tests, have regular mammograms, skin cancer, pap smears etc; also I am about 20 years younger than the other woman, and have a totally different lifestyle, genetic origin, family history etc...my family are all long lived, and mostly die of heart disease; though I do have a strong family history of anxiety, um) but this has not convinced me one bit. I went to the doctor and he told me I needed counselling!!! But because it is flu season here, he gave me all of about 5 minutes, and he didnt exactly examine me, just looked in my ears and took my temperature. So I don't know how much credence to give to his diagnosis.

Now, logically, I know I am more than likely being extremely stupid, particularly given that the only things that calm me are long walks and alcohol (no comment, I am trying not to use alcohol as a crutch, besides it makes the palpitations worse). If anyone can give me some advice, I shall be very very grateful.

04-27-2011, 09:57 PM
I see that the biggest problem your facing right now is just the fact that your always worrying. Worry can really put you in a bad state of mind.

Your doctor said that you need counseling right? I say don't go. Usually professionals can sometimes refer you to drinking medicine and stuff like that. So, in my honest opinion, don't go just like that.

I can also see that one thing that makes you feel better is long walks right? Now, since you said that these make you feel good. DO IT!

The more you follow your bliss and do what you truly enjoy, the more good things will happen to you. Just relax and don't forget to pray...:)

Hope I Helped...:)

04-28-2011, 03:26 PM
I see that the biggest problem your facing right now is just the fact that your always worrying. Worry can really put you in a bad state of mind.

Your doctor said that you need counseling right? I say don't go. Usually professionals can sometimes refer you to drinking medicine and stuff like that. So, in my honest opinion, don't go just like that.

I can also see that one thing that makes you feel better is long walks right? Now, since you said that these make you feel good. DO IT!

The more you follow your bliss and do what you truly enjoy, the more good things will happen to you. Just relax and don't forget to pray...:)

Hope I Helped...:)

I pretty much agree with everything you said just that counseling is always a good thing. Just be careful with any meds they try to push your way. Good luck

04-28-2011, 04:57 PM
I was ok but last night spent most of the night waking up with palpitations...I have self diagnosed this as a combination of anxiety, alcohol and cold and flu medicine (containing pseudoephedrine)! Now I feel really bad this morning, tired and listless; but I suppose it is to be expected, I probably only had 2 or 3 hours sleep. Will try and contact a counsellor and make an appointment. I don't want drugs.